- [S251] Census 1841, Walls, Jmae Dunnet and family, Head Of Household: Dunnet, James
James Dunnet, 40m, farmer, Scotland
Mary Dunnet, 40f, Scotland
Jane Dunnet, 13f, Scotland
James Dunnet, 11f, Scotland
Walter Dunnet, 9m, Scotland
Isabella Dunnet, 7f, Scotland
Mary Dunnet, 5f, Scotland
William Dunnet, 5m, Scotland
John Dunnet, 3m, Scotland
Andrew Dunnet, 1m, Scotland - [S252] Census 1861, The Vessel "New Rambler", master James Dunnet, Head Of Household: Vessel New Rambler
Census Place: At Sea
A Census return from the Vessel "New Rambler", captained by master James Dunnet.
James Dunnet, Unmarried, 31m Master, Caithnesshire, Canisbay
Donald Kirkpartrick, Married, 41m, A. B. Caithnesshire, Cannisbay
Lanchlen McLean, Unmarried, 41, A. B. Caithnesshire, Agsant (?)
John Murray, Unmarried, 27m, AB. Caithnesshire, Olsig
John Sinclair, Unmarried, 20m, AB Caithnesshire, Dunnet
George Dunnet, Unmarried, 18m, O. S. Caithnesshire, Dunnet - [S253] Census 1851, Walls, James Dunnet and family, Head Of Household: Dunnet, James
Household Address: Booth, Walls & Flotta, Orkney
James Dunnet, Head, 52m, Farmer of 14 acres & Fisherman, Cannisbay, Caithness
Mary Dunnet, Wife, 53f, Canisbay, Caithness
George Dunnet, Son, 26m, Seaman, Canisbay, Caithness
Jean Dunnet, Daughter, 23f, Farmers daughter, Canisbay, Caithness
Walter Dunnet, Son, 19m, Seaman, Canisbay, Caithness
William Dunnet, Son, 17m, Farmers Son
Isabella Dunnet, Daughter, 15f, Farmers Daug, Scotland
John Dunnet, Son, 13m, Scholar, Canisbay, Caithness
Andrew Dunnet, Son, 10m, Scholar, Canisbay, Caithness - [S254] Census 1871, Sunderland, William Dunnet & Family in lodgings, Head Of Household: Browell, James
Census Place: Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland
Household Address: 44 Mile Street, Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland
Census Record for William Dunnett living in lodgings in Bishopwearmouth, Sunderland.
James Browell, Mead, Marr, 46m, Sailmaker, Durham, Sunderland,
. . . .
William Dunnet, Lodger, Marr, 33m, Carpenter, Caithness, Scotland
Elizabeth C N Dunnet, Lodger, Marr, 30f, Hartlepool
William Dunnet, Lodger, Unmarr, 1m, Sunderland - [S255] Census 1881, Liverpool, for Dunnett, Elizabeth & family, Head Of Household: Dunnet, Elizabeth
Census Place: Liverpool
Household Address: 37 Park Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool
Elizabeth N Dunnett, Head, Marr, 46f, Carpenters Wife, Sunderland, Durham
William Dunnet, Son, Unmarr, 11m, Scholar, Sunderland, Durham
Walter Dunnett, Son, Unmarr, 5m, Scholar Liverpool, Lancaster
Donald Dunnett, Son, Unmarr, 2m, Liverpool, Lancaster - [S256] Census 1891, Heworth, William Dunnett & Household, Head Of Household: Dunnett, William
Census Place: Heworth
Household Address: Ann Street, Heworth
William Dunnett, Head, M, 52m, Cooper, Scotland
Elizabeth Dunnett, Wife, M, 48f, Scotland
James Dunnett, Son, S, 26m, Shipyard labourer, Scotland
William Dunnett, Son, 18m, Labourer at Colliery, Durham, Heworth
Donald Dunnett, Son, S, 14m, Labourer at Colliery, Durham, Heworth
Robert Dunnett, Son, S, 11m, Scholar, Durham, Heworth - [S257] Census 1901, Liverpool, William Dunnett & Household, Head Of Household: Dunnett, William
Census Place: Liverpool
Household Address: 22 Parkhill Road, Liverpool
William Dunnett, Head, M, 65m, Carpenter for telephone, Duncasby, Scotland
Elizabeth N Dunnett, Wife, M, 61f, Sunderland, Durham
Donald Cran Dunnett, Son, S, 22m, Electrician, Liverpool, Lancs - [S258] Index Record for birth of Elizabeth Pitman. 1842., Event Type: Birth
Year: 1842
County: Hampshire, Sussex
District: 110, Midhurst
Volume / Page: 7/393
Quarter: 3 - [S259] Cenus 1861, London, Elizabeth & Eliza Pitman, Head Of Household: Dazell, Henry B
Census Place: St. Marylebone, London
Household Address: 17 Gloucester Place, London.
The census return of 1861 for Colonel Henry B Dalzell, is an extensive one including his wife, Isabella, three children, a Cook, a Butler, aa Ladies maid, a House maid, a Footman, a Coachman with his wife and child, and Elizabeth Pitman, the Kitchen maid.
Eliza Pitman, Servant, Unmarr. 28f, Housemaid, Sussex, Midhurst.
Elizabeth Pitman, 17f, Kitchen maid, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S260] Census 1851. Midhurst, for Richard Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richard
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Kinick Row, Midhurst, Sussex
Richard Pitman, Head, Marr, 47m, Shoemaker, Sussex, Midhurst,
Chl Pitman, Wife, Marr, 45f, Laundress, Sussex, Midhurst,
CHl Pitman, Daur, U, 20f, Laundress, Sussex, Midhurst,
Elz Pitman, Daur, U, 18f, Laundress, Sussex, Midhurst,
R Pitman, Son, U, 15m, Groom, Sussex, Midhurst,
C Pitman, Daur, 12f, Scholar, Sussex, Midhurst,
E Pitman, Daur, 9f, Scholar, Sussex, Midhurst,
W Pitman, Son, 6m, Sussex, Midhurst - [S261] Census 1851. Midhurst, for Henry Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Rumbolds Hill, Midhurst, Sussex
Henry Pitman, Head, Marr, 56m, Shoemaker, Sussex, Midhurst,
Sarah Pitman, Wife, Marr, 58f, Sussex, Midhurst,
Hy Pitman, Son, U, 28m, Shoemaker, Sussex, Midhurst,
Sally Pitman, Daur, U, 26f, Sussex, Midhurst,
Alfred Pitman, Son, U, 24m, Shoemaker, Sussex, Midhurst,
E Pitman, Daur, U, 21f, Dressmaker, Sussex, Midhurst,
E Pitman, Daur, U, 19f, Dressmaker, Sussex, Midhurst,
A Pitman, Son, U, 17m, Cabinet Maker, Sussex, Midhurst,
F Pitman, Daur, U, 14m, Sussex, Midhurst,
G Caplin, Appc, U, 15m, Apprentice, Hants, Buriton - [S262] Census 1841. Midhurst, for Richard Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richd
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, Sussex
Richd Pitman, 35m, Shoem, Sussex,
Charlt Pitman, 30f, Sussex,
Eliza Pitman, 7f, Sussex,
Richd Pitman, 5m, Sussex,
Carln Pitman, 2f, Sussex - [S263] Census 1861. Midhurst, for Richard Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richard
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Bepton Rd, Midhurst, Sussex
Richard Pitman, Head, Marr, 57m, Cordwainer (Master), Sussex, Midhurst,
Charlotte Pitman, Wife, Marr, 54f, Laundress, Sussex, Woolarrington,
Caroline Pitman, Daur, 21f, Laundress, Sussex, Midhurst,
William Pitman, Son, 15m, Omnibus Conductor, Sussex, Midhurst - [S264] Census 1841. Midhurst, for Henry Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Rumbolds Hill, Midhurst, Sussex
Hy Pitman, 45m, Cordwainer, Y,
Sarah Pitman, 45f, Y,
James Pitman, 20m, Shoe M F, Y,
Henry Pitman, 15m, Shoe M App, Y,
Sally Pitman, 15f, Y,
Alfred Pitman, 14m, Y,
Emma Pitman, 12f, Y,
Ellen Pitman, 10f, Y,
Arthur Pitman, 7m, Y,
Frances Pitman, 4m, Y - [S265] Census 1861. Midhurst, for Richard Henry Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richard Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, Sussex
Richard Henry Pitman, Head, Marr, 60m, Boot and Shoemaker employing Journeyman and Apprentices, Middlesex, NK
Sarah Pitman, Wife, Marr, 55f, Hants, Ringwood
W Alfred Ellison, Boarder, Unmarr, 18m, Cabinetmaklers Apprentice, Sussex, Trotten?
John Newman, App, 14m, Shoemakers Apprentice, Sussex, Shelham
Mary Hills, Lodger, Widow, 74f, Formerly House Serv. Sussex, Fernhurst. - [S266] Census 1871. Midhurst, for Richard Henry Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richard Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, Sussex
Richard Henry Pitman, Head, Marr, 70m, Master Shoemaker emplying 1 man, Middx, London
Sarah Pitman, Wife, Marr, 61f, Hants, Ringwood
John Fry, Lodger, Unmar, 18m, Journeyman Carpenter, Surrey, Godalming,
Arthur Christmas, Lodger, Unmar, 19m, Bakers Asssistant, Sussex, Iping?
Arthur Roberts, Lodger, Unmar, 36m, Journeyman Cabinet Maker, Middlx, London. - [S267] Aitken, Ruth, Extract from the Family History Research of Ruth Aitken
- [S268] Census 1871. Kingston on Thames, for William Pitman, Head Of Household: Pitman, William
Census Place: Kingston on Thames
Household Address: Church St, Kingston on Thames
William Pitman, Head (n. b. Widow crossed out), 71 m, Shoe Maker, Sussex Midhurst,
Fanny Pitman, Daugh, Unmarr, 25f, Surrey, Kingston,
Ellon N, Daugh, 4f, Middlesex, London. - [S269] Census 1871. Kensington, for Richard Pitman, Head Of Household: Hamblain, John
Census Place: Kensington, London
Household Address: 33 Princess Mews, Kensington, London
Census return for John Hamblain, and unemployed coachman, and his household, including Richard Pitman.
Richard Pitman, Unmarr, 34m, Ostler D. S. Sussex, Midhurst. - [S270] Census 1871. Midhurst, for Henry Pitman, Head Of Household: Pitman, Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Rumbolds Hill, Midhurst, Sussex
Henry Pitman, Head, Wdr, 76m, Shoemaker (Retired) Sussex, Midhurst - [S271] Census 1851. Mitcham, for Mark Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman. Mark
Census Place: Mitcham
Household Address: Upper Green, Mitcham
Mark Pitman, Head, Marr, 75m, Boot Maker employing son and 1 man, Sussex, Midhurst
Catherine Pitman, Wife, Marr, 68f, Surrey, Mitcham,
William Pitman, Son, 26m, Boot Maker, Surrey, Mitcham. - [S272] Census 1851, Midhurst, Job Tickner, his family & Mother in Law, H Pitman, Head Of Household: Tickner, Job
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Wool Lane, Midhurst, Sussex
Job Tickner, Head, Married, 34m, Schoolmaster, Sussex, Horsham,
Jane Tickner, Wife, M, 44f, Sussex, Midhurst,
F Tickner, Son, 1month m, Sussex, Midhurst,
H Pitman, Mothr in Law, Widow, 81f, House Servant, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S273] Census 1851, Lambeth, John Pitman and Household, Head Of Household: Pitman, John
Census Place: Lambeth, London
Household Address: Wilbur St. Lambeth
John Pitman, Head, Marr, 49m, Messenger in Customs, Sussex, Midhurst,
Sarah Pitman, Wife, Marr, 46f, Gloucestershire, Nibley
Frances Pitman, Daugh, 12f, ??, Kent,
Louisa Pitman, Daugh, 9f, Scholar, Surrey, Lambeth,
Fredk Pitman, Son, 7m, Scholar, Surrey, Lambeth,
Amelia Archer, Visitor, 5f, Middsx, ??,
Geo Prick, Visitor, 4, Middx, City Road,
Josh Machell, Serv, U, 38m, Servant, Gloucestershire, Nibley. - [S274] Census 1851, Hillingdon, Charles Pitman and Household, Head Of Household: Pitman, Charles
Census Place: Hillingdon
Household Address: Halisden Place, Hillingdon
Charles Pitman, Head, Marr, 41m, Carpenter, Sussex, Midhurst,
Margaret Pitman, Wife, Marr, 40f, Middlx, Uxbridge,
Alfred Pitman, Son, U, 10m, Rackbon Place,
Walter Pitman, Son, U, 7m, Middlx, Ux,
Fredk Pitman, Son, U, 1m, Middlex, Ux. - [S275] Census 1871, Uxbridge, Charles Pitman, Census Place: Uxbridge
Household Address: Uxbridge Union Workhouse
The 1871 Census return for Uxbridge Union Workhouse lists Charles Pitman as one of its inmates.
Charles Pitman, Inmate, Married, 61m, Carpenter, Midhurst, Sussex. - [S276] Marriage Record for James Gordon & Margaret Butler 16/4/1870, Church: St.Mary's Church, Gateshead
1870, Marriage solemnized at St.Mary's Church in the parish of Gateshead in the county of Durham.
April 16th 1870, BETWEEN James Gordon, 21, Bachelor, Blacksmith, Oakwellgate, father Robert Gordon, Labourer AND Margaret Butler, 21, Spinster, Oakwellgate, father Robert Butler, Chainmaker. Witness John Lindsay & Anne Butler. (Nb. James Gordon & John Lindsay signed with a cross) - [S277] Marriage Record for Robert Gordon & Magdalene Napier 27/9/1846, Church: St.Mary's Church, Gateshead
1846, Marriage Solemnized at St.Mary's Church in the parish of Gateshead in the county of Durham.
#207. September 27th 1846 BETWEEN Robert Gordon, of full age, Bachelor, Labourer, Hillgate, father George Gordon, Labourer AND Magdalen Napier, Minor, Spinster, Hillgate, father James Napier, Labourer. Witnesses William Moffat and Ann Preston. (Nb. Robert Gordon, Magdalene Napier and Ann Preston signed with a cross) - [S278] Marriage Record for Archibald McMeiken and Eliza J Foster, 1886, Church: St Michael's Church, South Westoe
1886, Marriage Solemnized at St.Michael's Church in the parish of South Westoe in the county of Durham.
#108. July 18th 1886, BETWEEN Archibald McMeiken, 29, Bachelor Brickmaker, Broderick St lately Percy St, father Archibald McMeiken, Carpenter, AND Eliza Jane Foster, 22, Spinster, Percy Street, father William Foster, Brickmaker. Witnesses William Brookes and Elizabeth Foster. - [S279] Marriage Record for William Proctor and Georgina McMeiken, 1913, Church: St.John's Church, Birtley
1913, Marriage Solemnized at The Parish Church in the parish of Birtley in the county of Durham.
#82. May 12th 1913 BETWEEN William Proctor, 22, Bachelor, Miner, 7 Church Street, father William Proctor, Miner AND Georgina McMeiken, 20, Spinster, 2 Birtley Lane, father Archibald McMeiken (deceased). Witnesses John Proctor and Alice Foster. - [S280] Marriage Record for Henry Welch Proctor and Elizabeth J McMeiken, 1910, Church: St.John's Church, Birtley
1910, Marriage Solemnized at The Parish Church in the parish of Birtley in the county of Durham.
#4. December 26th 1910, BETWEEN Henry Welch Proctor, 22, Bachelor, Miner, 7 Church Street, father William Proctor, Miner AND Elizabeth Jane McMeiken, 21, Spinster, 2 Birtley Lane, father Archibald McMeiken (deceased), Miner. Witnesses Percy Copeland and Isabella Welch Proctor. - [S281] Baptism record of Isabella Welch Proctor, 1881 (Volume: 1881, page 48), 1881, August 21st, Isabella Welch, to William & Annie Proctor, Wrekenton, Miner.
- [S282] Baptism record of John Proctor, 1883 (Volume: 1883, page 60), 1883, June 17th, John to William & Annie Proctor, Wrekenton, Miner.
- [S283] Baptism record of Vera Proctor, 1921, 1921, 29th May, Vera William to William & Frances (McMeiken) Proctor, 3 Birtley Lane, Miner. (Marginal note, Born 6/5/1921)
- [S284] Baptism record of Elizabeth Jane McMeiken, 1889, Parish: The Parish Church, Birtley
1889, 4th Feb, Elizabeth Jane to Archibald and Eliza Jane McMeiken, Station Lane, Labourer (in margin DOB 7/1/1889) - [S285] Baptism record of William James McMeiken, 1891, Parish: The Parish Church, Birtley
1891, 3/5/1891, William James to Archibald and Eliza Jane McMeiken, Mt Pleasant, Birtley, Labourer (in margin DOB 18/3/1891) - [S286] Baptism record of Alexander Herdman McMeiken, 1896, Parish: The Parish Church, Birtley
1896, 22/3/1896, Alexander Herdman to Archibald and Eliza Jane McMeiken, Mt Pleasant, Birtley, Labourer (in margin DOB 24/2/1896) - [S287] Baptism record of William Wilson, 1821, Parish: St.Mary's Church, Gateshead
1821, 1 Aug. William Moore Young to Robert & Margaret Wilson, Gateshead, Pitman. (Marginal note: Born Oct 19 1820) Record No. 636. - [S290] Marriage Record for William Foster and Elizabeth Pitman, 1863, Event Date: 23/9/1863
Marriage Venue: The Parish Church, Midhurst, Sussex
Rd Ref: MDX 065145
1863, Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church, Midhurst, County of Sussex. No 11. Sept 23rd. BETWEEN William Foster, 29, Bachelor, Brickmaker, West Lavington, father William Foster, Brickmaker AND Elizabeth Pitman, 21, Spinster, Midhurst, father Richard Pitman, Shoemaker. Witnesses: The mark of William Henry Jones ? and Eliza Jane Pitman. - [S291] Certificate of Marriage for Arthur Albert Johnson & Isabella Eveline Dunnet, 1917, Event Date: 3/2/1917
Date Certificate: 15/2/2007
Registration District: Chester le Street
Marriage Venue: The Register Office
Marriage Solemnized at The Register Office in the District of Chester le Street in the County of Durham, No 75, 3rd February 1917, BETWEEN Arthur Albert Johnson, 21 years, Bachelor, Gunner in Machine Gun Corps (Motor Mechanic), 35 Tuart Street, Chester le Street, father Thomas Robinson Johnson (deceased), Slater & Plasterer (Master) AND Isabella Eveline Dunnett, 18yrs, Spinster, 11 Clifford Street, Chester le Street, father William Sinclair Dunnett, Sugar Boiler in Confectionery Works. WITNESSES, J W Winward and M S Dunnett. - [S292] Marriage Record for William Proctor and Annie Rosenberg (Welch), 1881, Church: St.Mary's, South Shields
188`, Marriage Solemnized at The Parish Church in the parish of St.Mary's, South Shields in the county of Durham.
#264. 16th April 1881 BETWEEN William Proctor, 22, Bachelor, Miner, Lord Nelson Street, father John Proctor, Miner AND Ann Rosenberg, 26, Widow, Lord Nelson Street, father Henry Welch, Mason. Witnesses x the mark of George Legg? and Catherine Welch. - [S293] Baptism record of Martha Giilmour McMeiken, Parish: St.Cuthbert's Church, Bensham
Volume: 1899, p 144, No. 1151
1899, August 8th. Martha Glimour to Archbald & Eliza Jane McMeiken. Paper Mill Square, Labourer. (Marginal note: Born 1st. July 1899). - [S294] Burial Record for Archibald McMeiken, Churchyard, Birtley, 1910, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Archibald McMeiken, Birtley Lane, May 14th (1910), 53 years. - [S295] Burial Record for Charlotte Proctor, Churchyard, Birtley, 1906, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Charlotte Foster, Blythe Terrace, (Birtley) November 10th (1906), 22 years. - [S296] Burial Record for Georgine Proctor, Churchyard, Birtley, 1917, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Georgine Proctor, 3 Birtley Lane (Birtley), 13 Mar, (1917), 23 years. - [S297] Baptism record of Eliza Jane Proctor, 1911 (Volume: 1911, p 160), 1911, 24th August, Eliza Jane, to Henry Welch & Elizabeth Jane Proctor, 2 Birtley Lane, Miner. (Marginal Note: DOB. Aug 8th. 1911)
- [S298] Baptism record of Martha Gilmour McMeiken, Parish: St.John's Church Birtley
Volume: 1920, p141
1920 18th Jan. Martha Gilmour, to Archibald and Margaret (Lowrie) McMeilken. 3 Birtley Lane. Miner (Marginal Note: DOB. 26th. Dec) - [S299] Burial Record for William Henry Welch Proctor, Churchyard, Birtley, 1903, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
William Henry Welch Proctor, Church Street, January 27th (1903), 6 months. - [S300] Burial Record for Alexander Herdman McMeiken, Birtley, 1923, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Alexander Herman McMeiken, 44 Dennison Place, May 28th (1923) 27 years. - [S301] Burial Record for Alexander Herdman McMeiken, Birtley, 1923, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Annie proctor, 7 Church Street, March 17th. 68 years. - [S302] Burial Record for Mary Herdman McMeiken, Birtley, 1925, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Mary Herman McMeiken, 3 Birtley Lane, August 10th, 19 years. - [S303] Burial Record for William Proctor, Birtley, 1932, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
William Proctor, 18 Laburnum St.Birtley, 11th August 1932, Aged 77. - [S304] Burial Record for Frances Foster Proctor, Birtley, 1936, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Frances Foster Proctor, 3 Birtley Lane, 19th February 1936, Aged 34. - [S305] Baptism record of Georgina McMeiken, 1917, Parish: The Parish Church, Birtley
1917, 24th. June, Georgina, to Elizabeth & Alexandra MacMaiken, 41 Denisson Place, Miner. (Marinal note: DOB 6 June) - [S306] Baptism record of Doris Proctor, 1913., 31 August, Doris to William & Georgina Proctor, 2 Birtley Lane, Miner.
- [S307] Burial record of stillborn child, 1929, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Stillborn child of Wm Proctor & Frances Foster Proctor, 3 Birtley Lane, 16th. May 1929. - [S308] Burial Record for stillborn child, 1931, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Stillborn child of William & Frances F Proctor, 3 Birtley Lane, 22nd Dec 1931. - [S309] Burial Record for stillborn child, 1931, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Elizabeth Foster, D b A, 26th Nov. (1920), 79 years. - [S310] Census 1871, South Shields, Henry Welch, Henry & household, Head Of Household: Welch, Henry
Census Place: Westoe, South Shields
Household Address: 66 Wilson St. South Shields
Henry Welch, Head, Marr, 38m, Mason, Durham, South Shields.
Isabella Welch, Wife, Marr, 35f, Northumberland, Walker.
Ann Welch, Daugh, Unm, 16f, Durham, South Shields.
Thomas Welch, Son, Unm, 14m, Mason's Apprc. Durham, South Shields.
John Welch, Son, Unm, 9m, Scholar, Durham, . South Shields.
Catharine Welch, Daugh, 7f, Durham, South Shields.
Henry Welch, Son, 2m, Durham, South Shields. - [S311] Census 1861, South Shields, Henry Welch, Henry & household, Head Of Household: Welch, Henry
Census Place: Westoe, South Shields
Household Address: Wilson St. South Shields
Henry Welch, Head, Marr, 28m, Mason, Durham, South Shields.
Isabella Welch, Wife, Marr, 25f, Northumberland, Walker.
Ann Welch, Daugh, 6f, Scholar, Durham, South Shields.
Thomas Welch, Son, 4m, Scholar, Durham, South Shields.
John Welch, Son, 1m, Scholar, Durham, . South Shields. - [S312] Census 1881, South Shields, Mary Wilson & Household, Head Of Household: Wilson, Mary R.
Census Place: South Shields, Westoe
Household Address: Commercial Road
1881 Census Record for the Household of Mary R Wilson. Contains record of Catharine Welch.
Catharine Welch, Boarder, Unm, 16f, Durham, South Shields. - [S313] Index: Death, GRO (England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915)
- [S314] Index: Marriage, GRO,
- [S316] Index: Birth, GRO, Event Type: Birth
- [S317] Census, 1841, Dinnington. Thos Simpson., Census Type: National
Head Of Household: Bell, Thos
Census Place: Dinnington
Household Address: Dinnington
Thos Simpson, 60m, Shoemaker, Northumberland
Mary Simpson, 60f, Northumberland.
Dorothy Simpson, 29f, Northumberland.
Ann Simpson, 27f, Northumberland.
Thomas Simpson, 25m, Shoemaker, Northumberland.
Mary Simpson, 6f, Northumberland.
David Belt, 15m, Shoemakers Apprentice. Northumberland. - [S318] Census, 1851, Dinnington, John Simpson, Head Of Household: Simpson, John
Census Place: Dinnington
Household Address: Dinnginton
John Simpson, Head, Marr, 55m, Shoemaker, Northumberland, Dinnington.
Elizabeth Simpson, Wife, Marr. 53f, Northumberland, Newburn.
Mary Simpson, Daur, 15f, Northumberland, Dinnington. - [S319] Census, 1851, Dinnington, Ralph Simpson & household, Head Of Household: Simpson, Ralph
Census Place: Dinnington
Household Address: Dinngington
Ralph Simpson, Head, Marr, 67m, Shoemaker employing one man, Northumberland, Dinnington.
Dorothy Simpson, Wife, Marr. 63f, Northumberland, Ponteland.
Joseph Simpson, Son, U, 38m, Shoemaker (Journeyman), Northumberland, Dinnington.
Margaret Simpson, Daur, U, 22f, Northumberland Dinnington
Robt Johning, App, 14, Shoemaker's App. Northumberland, Dinnington. - [S320] Census 1881, Dinnington, Dorothy Bell, Head Of Household: Bell, Dorothy
Census Place: Dinnington
Household Address: Private House, Dinnington
Dorothy Bell, Head, Wi, 70f, Draper, Northumberland, Dinnington - [S321] Burial record for William Coxon, Churchyard, Longframlington, 1828, Parish: Longframlington
William Coxon, Alnwick, January 21st (1828), 32, William Lishman, Curate. - [S322] Burial Record of John Coxon, Aged 66, 1833, Parish: Longframlington
#230. John Coxon, Low Framlington, May 26th (1833), 66. Geo Dobson. - [S323] Burial record for Isabella Coxon, Churchyard, Longframlington, Aged 83, 1855., Parish: Longframlington
Isabella Coxon, Parish of Ponteland, Jany 4th. (1855) 83 yrs. T. Ilderton, Vicar. - [S325] Baptismal Record for Hannah Coxon, 1768, Church: Longframlington Presbyterian Church
1768, May 29th. Hannah, Daughter to Henry Coxon, in the town and parish of Edlingham was baptized. - [S326] Baptismal Record for Benjamin Coxon, 1769, Church: Longframlington Presbyterian Church
1769, Augst 27. Benjamin, Son to Henry Coxon in the town and parish of Longframlington was baptized. - [S327] Baptism record for Nelly Coxon (12/5/1776) Presbyterian church, Church: Longframlington Presbyterian Church
March 22nd. Nelly, Daughter to Wilm Coxon in Overgafs Miln & parish of Felton was baptised. - [S328] Baptism record for Nelly Coxon (12/5/1776) Presbyterian church, Church: Longframlington Presbyterian Church
1771 Janry 28th. Isobel daughter to Henry Coxon in the town and parish of Edlingham was baptised. - [S329] Baptism record for Agnes Coxon of Rothbury, 1775, Church: Longframlington Presbyterian Church
1775. June 16th. Agnes, daughter to Edwd Coxon in Low huly & parish of Rothbury was baptized. - [S330] Burial Record for Jane Coxon, Parish: St.Nicholas, South Gosforth.
Jane Coxon, 78 years, of East Brunton, widow of Henry Coxon (Taylor), late Sotheran, native of Long Edlington. Died: Decay of nature. - [S331] Burial Record for Henry Welch McMeiken, Birtley, 1927, Parish: St.John's, Birtley
Henry Welsh McMeiken, 2 ast Terrace, Birtley, 1st May. - [S332] Melling, Angela, The Family History research of Angela Melling
- [S333] Hayes, Martin, An E-mail about Woolavington from Martin Hayes. West Sussex Gov., E-mail Address: Martin. email address. gov. uk
The ancient parish of Woolavington was located between Graffham to the west and Duncton to the east. Here are a couple of links showing its location: http: //homepages. gold. ac. uk/genuki/SSX/Woolavington/
http: //uk8. multimap. com/map/browse. cgi?client=public&X=495000. 327725865&Y=115000. 856015361&width=700&height=400&gride=494654. 327725865&gridn=116346. 856015361&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=freegaz&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&keepicon=true&zm=0&scale=25000&up. x=287&up. y=6
I believe that the modern civil parish of East Lavington now occupies much of the former Woolavington parish, and here are some images of East Lavington from our West Sussex Past Pictures website:
http: //www. westsussexpast. org. uk/pictures/dserve. exe?&dsqIni=Dserve. ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqCmd=overview. tcl&dsqSearch=(PlaceCode='NA606')
West Sussex Record Office holds a number of records relating to the parish, particularly burial, christening & marriage registers from 1668, and earler registers [from 1571] appear to have been indexed on the Mormon IGI via the Family search website:
http: //www. familysearch. org/ - [S334] Walker, Adrienne, Family History Research by Adrienne Walker
- [S335] Census, 1841, Felton, Robert Coxon and Family, Head Of Household: Coxon, Robert
Census Place: Felton
Household Address: Greens
Robert Coxon, 63m, Farmer, Northumberland,
Sarah Coxon, 59f, Northumberland,
John Coxon, 25m, Northumberland,
Susan Coxon, 20f, Northumberland,
Ann Coxon, 19f, Northumberland,
William Coxon, 15m, Northumberland,
Robert Coxon, 13m, Northumberland,
Robert Wright, 20m, MS, Northumberland,
Elizabeth Wiley, 20f, FS Northumberland - [S336] Census, 1841, Rothbury, William Coxon, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
Census Place: Rothbury
Household Address: Thrum Mill, Rothbury
William Coxon, 65m, Miller, Northumberland,
Elizabeth Coxon, 61f, Northumberland,
Elizabeth Coxon, 25f, Northumberland,
Jane Coxon, 20f, Northumberland,
William Orr, 25m, Ag. Lab, Northumberland,
Thomas Cannings, 26m, AG. lAB, Northumberland - [S337] Census, 1841, Rothbury, William Coxon, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
Census Place: Clennell, Alwinton
Household Address: Clennell, Alwinton
Census record 1841 for William Coxon, living without family at Clenell, Alwinton.
William Coxon, 45m, M. S. Northumberland - [S338] Census, 1851, Greens & Glantlees, Robert Coxon and Family, Census Type: National
Head Of Household: Coxon, Robert
Census Place: Greens & Glantlees
Household Address: Greens
Robert Coxon, Head, Marr, 77m, Farmer of 428 acres employing 4 male and 1 female labourer, Northumberland, North Felton,
Sarah Coxon, Wife, Marr, 66f, Northumberland, Alnwick,
John Coxon, Son, U, 36m, farmers son employed on farm, Northumberland, Felton,
Susanna Coxon, Daur, U, 34f, farmers daughter employed on farm, Northumberland, Felton,
George Coxon, Son, U, 28m, farmers son employed on farm, Northumberland, Felton,
Robert Thomas, Son, U, 23m, farmers son employed on farm, Northumberland, Felton,
Susanna Hartley, Visitor, U, 15f, Durham, Chester le Street,
Daniel Rutherford, Servant, U, 22m, farm labourer, Northumberland, Warkworth,
John Turle?, Servant, U, 19m, Farm Labourer, Northumberland, Felton,
Margaret Robson, Servant, U, 21, House Servant, Northumberland, Mitford. - [S339] Index record for death of George Coxon, Alnwick, 1860, Event Type: Death
Year: 1860
County: Alnwick, Northumberland
Volume / Page: 1860, 4Q, 10B Page 211
Quarter: 4 - [S340] Wards 1850 Directory of Northumberland & Durham, Directory Type: Trade
- [S341] Parson & White, 1827/28 Directory of Northumberland & Durham, Directory Type: Trade
- [S342] Census, 1891, William Coxon & family, Newcastle upon tyne, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
Census Place: Newcastle, All Saints
William Coxon, Head, M, 58m, Horsekeeper, Northumberland, Rothbury,
Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, M, 58f, Northumberland, Buddlestone Edge,
Elizabeth, Daug, S, 25 F, Newcastle on Tyne,
Frank R. M. Coxon, S. Son, 19m, Fruiterer's Carman, Northumberland, Plessey Mill,
John G. Coxon, S, Son, 17m, Lemonade Cartman, Northumberland, Plessey Mill. - [S343] Census 1851, Sniter, James Minnim and family, Head Of Household: Mennim, James
Census Place: Snitter
Household Address: Snitter, Northumberland
James Mennim, Head. Marr, 45m, Farmer of ? acres, Scotland, Roxburgh,
Ann Mennim, Wife, Marr, 43f, Wife, Northumberland, Rothbury,
Elizabeth Mennim, U, Daur, 19f, Dressmaker, Northumberland, U, Alwinton,
Ann Mennim, Daur, 15f, farmers daughter, Northumberland, Alwinton,
Fanny Mennim, U, Daur, 13f, Northumberalnd, Alwinton. - [S344] Census 1841, Alnwick, George Coxon, Head Of Household: Coxon, George
Census Place: Alnwick
Household Address: Fenkle Street, Alnwick
George Coxon is listed as Innkeeper in Fenkle Street, Alnwick.
(Note he is indexed as "George Coton") Significant in the list of residents are the following.
George Coxon, 60m, Innkeeper, Northumberland
Ann Coxon, 60f, Northumberland
Catherine Coxon, 50f, Independent, Northumberland. - [S345] Census 1851, Alnwick, George Coxon, Head Of Household: Coxon, George
Census Place: Alnwick
Household Address: Fenkle Street, Alnwick
George Coxon is listed as Innkeeper in Fenkle Street, Alnwick. (Note he is indexed as "George Coran")Significant residents are as follows.
George Coxon, Head, Widr, 75m, Inn-keeper, Northumberland, Felton,
Margaret Allison, Niece, U, 19, Northumberland, Alnwick,
John Allison, Nephew, 17m, Teachers Assistant, Northumberland, Alnwick. - [S346] Census 1851, Alnwick, William Milne, family & visitors, Head Of Household: Milne, William
Census Place: Alnwick
Household Address: 13 Narrowgate, Alnwick
Household of William Milne, includes the Allisons as visitors.
John Allison, Visitor, Mar, 44m, Printers Compositor, Scotland,
Anne Allison, Visitor, Mar, 40, Northumberland, Alnwick,
George Allison, Visitor, U, 14m, Scotland,
Frances Allison, Visitor, 7f, Middlesex, Parish N. K. - [S347] Census 1841, Preston, Isabella Robinson, Head Of Household: Robinson, Isabella
Census Place: Preston, Tynemouth
Household Address: Spring Terrace, Preston, Tynemouth
Isabella Robinson, 20f, F. S. Northumberland. - [S348] Census 1901, Bebside, Robert Wilson & household, Head Of Household: Wilson, Robert
Census Place: Bebside
Household Address: 50 Front Row, Bebside
Robert Wilson, head, M, 46m, Coal Miner, Master Wasteman below ground, worker, Northumberland, Netherton,
Elizabeth Wilson, Wife, M, 42,
James Pringle, Son in Law, S, 23m, Coal Miner Hewer below ground, worker, Northumberland, Bebside Furnace (Horton),
Jane Pringle, S, Daur in Law, 21f, Northumberland, Bedlington,
Robert Wilson, Boarder, S, 20m, Coal Miner, Putter below ground, worker, Northumberland, Bebside,
John Wilson, Son, S, 12m, Northumberland, Bebside,
Robert Stoker Wilson, S, 9m, Northumberland, Bebside,
Hannah Eliz Wilson, Daur, S, 7f, Northumberland, Bebside,
Margaret Wilson, Daur, 5f, Northumberland, Bebside,
Mary Ann Wilson, Daur, 3f, Northumberland, Bebside,
Minnie Wilson, Daur, 1f, Northumberland, Bebside - [S349] Census 1891, Bebside Furnace, David Davison & Family, Head Of Household: Davison, David
Census Place: Bebside
Household Address: Bebside Furnace
David Davison, Head, M, 38m, Coal Miner, Longhoughton, Northumberland,
Julia A Davison, Wife, M, 39f, Wark, Northumberland,
Robert Davison, Son, S, 15m, Coal Miner, Bedlington, Northumberland,
William Davison, Son, S, 13m, Scholar, Bedlington, Northumberland,
Ellen Davison, Daur, S, 11f, Scholar, Bedlington, Northumberland,
David Davison, Son, S, 8m, Scholar, Bedlington, Northumberland,
Agnes Davison, Daur, S, 6f, Scholar, Horton, Northumberland,
John G Davison, Son, 1m, Child, Horton, Northumberland. - [S350] Census 1871, Bedlington Bank Top, Robert Davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Robert
Census Place: Bedlington Bank Top
Household Address: Brewers Cottage, Bedlington Bank Top
Robert Davison, Head, Marr, 27m, Coal Miner, Northumberland, Chatton.
Margaret Davison, Wife, Marr. 27f, Northumberland, Morpeth.
William H Davison, Son, 4m, Northumberland, Alnwick.
William Davison, Brother, Single, 18m, Coal Miner, Northumberland, Longhoughton. - [S351] Census 1851, Shoreston (Parish Bamburgh) Robert davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Robert
Census Place: Shoreston
Household Address: Shoreston
Robert Davison, Head, Mar, 53m, Pauper late Ag. Lab. Northumberland, Ancroft.
Margaret Davison, Wife, Mar, 32f, Wife, Scotland.
John Davison, Son, U, 23m, Ag. Lab. Northumberland, (Newham, crossed out) Bambro(ough)?
Mary Ann Davison, Daughter, U, 20f, (servant, crossed out) Ag. Lab, Northumberland Bambro.
Andrew Davison, Son, U, 18m, Ag. Lab. Northumberland, Belford.
Robert Davison, Son, U, 7m, Scholar, Northumberland, Chatton.
Ann Davison, Daughter, U, 4f, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Dorothy Davison, Daughter, U, 1f, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S353] Personal memories of Elizabeth Hunter
- [S354] Interview with Joan & Evelyn White
- [S355] Copy of death notice, sent by E-mail to Elizabeth Hunter, Evelyn (White) L. Uranick passed away peacefully in Smiths Falls on Monday, January 15th, 2007, at the age of 77 years.
Evelyn was predeceased in 1991 by her loved husband George.
She will be sadly missed by her son Stephen of Perth and sister Joan and Maurice Gosney of London.
She was the aunt of Dave and Susan Gosney-Chandler, Jamie and Victoria and John Gosney and sister-in-law of Mary Forsyth of Winnipeg, Margaret Uranick of Neepawa Manitoba and Arnold Mountford of Toronto.
Evelyn was predeceased by brother Gordon White, brothers-in-law Don Forsyth and Bill Uranick and sister-in-law Jean Mountford. Friends may pay their respects at the Blair & Son Funeral Home, 15 Gore St. W., Perth, Wednesday, January 17th from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8: 00 p. m.
Funeral service will be held in the chapel Thursday at 11: 00 a. m. Interment Elmwood Cemetery.
In remembrance, contributions to the Great War Memorial Hospital Foundation or fund of choice would be appreciated.
On-line condolences may be sent to the family at: email address. com.
Add your comment - [S356] Census 1901, Bebside, David Davison & Household, Head Of Household: Davison, David
Census Place: Bebside Furnace
Household Address: 3 Old Gatehouse Row, Bebside Furnace
David Davison, Head, M, 48m, Coal Miner, Hewer below ground, worker, Northumberland, Longhoughton,
Julia A Davison, Wife, M, 50f, Northumberland, Wark Common,
Margaret Davison, Daur, 27f, Northumberland, Bedlington Bank Top,
David Davison, Son, s, 18m, Cola Miner putter, below ground, worker, Northumberland, Bedlington Bank Top,
Agnes Davison, Daur, S, 16f, Dressmaker, own account, At Home, Northumberland, Bebside Bank Top,
John G Davison, Son, S, 11m, Northumberland, Bebside Bank Top,
Julia A Davison, Daur, 5f, Northumberland, Bebside Bank Top. - [S357] Notes from talks with Peggy Nicholson
- [S358] Census 1901, Bebside, William Davison & wife, Head Of Household: Davison, William
Census Place: Bebside
Household Address: 13 Old Gatehouse Row, Bebside Furnace
William Davsion, Head, M, 23m, Coal Miner hewer, below ground, worker, Northumberland, Bedlington,
Maggie Davison, Wife, M, 23f, Northumberland, Hexham. - [S359] Census 1901, Bebside, Robert Davison & Household, Head Of Household: Davison, Robert
Census Place: Bebside
Household Address: 15 West Row, Bebside
Robert Davison, Head, M, 25m, Coal Miner, Hewer below ground, worker, Northumberland, Bedlington,
Susannah Davison, Wife M, 24f, Northumberland, Blyth,
David Davison, Son, 5m, Northumberland, Bedlington,
Annie Wood Daur, 1f, Northumberland, Bebside (Horton). - [S360] Notes from talks with Joyce Ross
- [S361] Memorial for William Spencer, In Memory of
4279395, 70th Bn., Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
who died age 18
on 11 March 1942
Son of John R. Spencer and Florence Spencer, of Barrington.
Remembered with honour
CHOPPINGTON (ST. PAUL) CHURCHYARD - [S362] Notes from corrspondence with Jacqueline McGuinness
- [S363] Gravestone Annie Wilson, In loving memory of
Died 24th March 1997
Aged 82 years
beloved wife of
KILLED IN ACTION 16th Nov. 1940
(Buried in Belgrade Military Cemetery)
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished, I have kept the faith, now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness" - [S364] Burial Record: Horton, 1900, William Wilson, Parish: Horton, St.Mary
Burial Register, 1900. Horton, St.Mary. #479. William Wilson, Cowpen Village, Jan 20th. 79 yrs. - [S365] Burial Record: Horton, 1913, Elizabeth Wilson, Parish: Horton, St.Mary
Burial Register, 1913. Horton, St.Mary. #754. Elizabeth Wilson, 101 Front Steet, Bebside, August 21st. 55 years. - [S366] Burial Record: Horton, 1884, George Pringle, Parish: Horton, St.Mary
Burial Register, 1884. Horton, St.Mary. #103. George Pringle, Iron Works, Cowpen, Nov. 1st. 32 years. - [S367] Burial Record: Horton, 1895, Isabella Wilson, Parish: Horton, St.Mary
Burial Register, 1895. Horton, St.Mary. #121. Isabella Wilson, Bebside Cowpen, Oct. 5th. 44 years. - [S368] The Baptism record of John Davison, 1827, North Sunderland., Church: North Sunderland Cession Chapel of Burgers
Davison, 21 June 1827. John 1st son & 1st child of Robert Wilson & Isabella Dick, his wife born at Newham New houses, 5 June 1827 - [S369] probate file for Annie Wilson containing copy of Will, 1997
- [S370] Certificate of Death for Annie Wilson, issued 26/3/1997, Event Date: 24/3/1997
Registration Date: 26/3/97
Registration District: Gateshead
Date & Place of death: 24/3/1997, Dunstan Hill Hospital, Dunston, Gateshead.
Annie Wilson, Female, maiden name Coxon.
Date & Place of birth: 30th August 1914, Newbiggin by the Sea.
Occupation & Usual address: School Cleaner (retired), Widow of Joh George Davison WILSON, Colliery Electrician. 9 Whiteley Close, Greenside, Ryton, Tyne & Wear.
Cause of death: Carcinoma of Pancreas. Certified by P Turner FRCP. - [S371] The last will and Testament of Annie Wilson, 1988, Will Type: Original typed manuscript
Probate Date: 9/5/1997
Court: Newcastle - [S373] Census 1901, Belford, Thomas Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Thomas
Census Place: Belford
Thomas Johnson, Head, m, 39m, Slater, worker, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Elizabeth A Johnson, Wife, m, 41f, Dressmaker, worker, Northumberland, Ancroft.
Jane A Johnson, dau, s, 15f, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
John Johnson, son, s, 12m, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Charles Johnson, son, 9m, Northumberland, Hocket.
Elizabeth M Johnson, dau. 7f, Northumberland, Stamford.
Thomas N Johnson, son, 6m, Durham, Lanchester.
Arthur A Johnson, son, 3m, Northumberland, Tritlington. - [S374] Census 1891 Rennington, Thomas Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Thomas
Census Place: Rennington, Alnwick
Household Address: South Hocket, Rennington, Alnwick
Thomas R Johnson, Head, M, 29m, Slater, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Eliazbeth A Johnson, Wife, M, 31f, Northumberland, Norham.
Jane A Johnson, Daur, 5f, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
John Johnson, Son, 2m, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Wilkinson Johnson, Son, 1m, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S375] Census 1881 Bamburgh, Wilkinson Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Wilkinson
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Grocer's Shop, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Wilkinson Johnson, Head, Marr, 57m, Stone Mason, Northumberland, Belford.
Margt Johnson, Wife, Marr, 59f, Do - Wife, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Thomas Johnson, Son, Unmarr, 19m, Labourer, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Jane Johnson, GrandDaugh, Unmarr, 13, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S376] Census 1861 Bamburgh, Wilkinson Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Wilkinson
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Private House, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Wilkinson Johnson, Head, Marr, 37m, Mason, Northumberland, Belford.
Margaret Johnson, Wife, Marr, 41f, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Sarah Johnson, Daur, 12f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Mary Johnson. Daur, 9f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
William G Johnson, Son, 6m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Alice Johnson, Daur, 5f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Elizabeth Johnson, Daur, 2f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S377] Census 1841, Belford, Thomas Johnson & houehold, Head Of Household: Johnson, Thomas
Census Place: Belford
Household Address: Fenkle Street, Alnwick
Thomas Johnson, 50m, ShoeM, Northumberland.
Alice Johnson, 45f, Northumberland.
Thomas Johnson, 20m, ShoeM, Northumberland.
Wilkinson Johnson, 18m, Mason, Northumberland.
Sarah Johnson, 13f, Northumberland.
George Johnson, 10m, Northumberland.
John Johnson, 7m, Northumberland.
William Johnson, 4m, Northumberland. - [S378] Census 1861 Bamburgh, Thomas Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Thomas
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Private House, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Thomas Johnson, Head, Marr, 40m, Boot & Shoe Maker, Northumberland, Belford.
Jane Johnson, Wife, Marr, 39f, Berwick on Tweed
Catherine Johnson, Daur, Un, 15f, Scholar, Berwick on Tweed.
Thomas Johnson, Son, 13m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Margaret Johnson, Daur, 11f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
John Johnson, Son, 9m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
George Johnson, Son, 7m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Elizabeth Johnson, Daur, 5f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
James Johnson, Son, 2m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
William Johnson, Son, 1month m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S379] Census 1871 Bamburgh, Wilkinson Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Wilkinson
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Elizabeth Row, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Wilkinson Johnson, Head, Marr, 47m, Mason, Belford, Northumberland.
Margaret Johnson, Wife, Marr, 49f, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Rebecca Johnson, Daur, Unm, 24f, Dressmaker, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Sarah Johnson, Daur, Unm, 22f, Dressmaker, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
William Johnson, Son, Unm, 16m, Joiner, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Thomas Johnson, Son, Unm, 9m, Scholar, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Jane Johnson, Gr. Daur, Unm, 3f, Bamburgh, Northumberland. - [S380] Census 1871 Bamburgh, Thomas Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Thomas
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Elizabeth Row, Bamburgh, Northumberland
Thomas Johnson, Head, Marr, 50m, Boot & Shoe Maker, Belford, Northumberland.
Jane Johnson, Wife, Marr, 49f, Berwick on Tweed
John Johnson, Son, 19m, Shoemaker, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
George Johnson, Son, 17m, Groom, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Elizabeth Johnson, Daur, 14f, Scholar, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
James Johnson, Son, 12m, Scholar, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
William Johnson, Son, 10m, Scholar, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Sarah Johnson, Daur, Unm, 7f, Scholar, Bamburgh, Northumberland.
Catherine Johnson, Gr. Daur, 3f, Bamburgh, Northumberland. - [S381] Census 1851 Bamburgh, Wilkinson Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Wilkinson
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Bamburgh, Northumberland
Wilkinson Johnson, Head, Marr, 28m, Journeyman Mason, Northumberland, Belford.
Margaret Johnson, Wife, Marr, 31f, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Rebecca Johnson, Daur, 2, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Sarah Johnson, Daur, 1f, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S382] Census 1851 Bamburgh, Thomas Johnson & Family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Thomas
Census Place: Bamburgh
Household Address: Bamburgh, Northumberland
Thomas Johnson, Head, Marr, 30m, Master Shoe Maker, Northumberland, Belford.
Jane Johnson, Wife, Marr, 29f, Berwick on Tweed
Alice Johnson. Daug, 7f, Berwick on Tweed.
Catherine Johnson, Daur, 5f, Scholar, Berwick on Tweed.
Thomas Johnson, Son, 3m, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Margaret Johnson, Daur, 11f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
Robert Ellington, Visiter, Unm, 22m, Shoe maker journeyman, Northumberland, Bamburgh. - [S383] Cenus 1871, Seaton Delaval, Thomas Dunn & Household, Head Of Household: Dunn, Thomas
Census Place: Seaton Delaval
Household Address: Hastings Row, Seaton Delaval
Thomas Dunn, Head, Marr, 38m, Platelayer on Railway, Northumberland, Carham.
Jane Dunn, Wife, Marr, 32f, Northumberland, Tweedmouth.
Elizabeth A Dunn, Daur, Unm, 11f, Scholar, Northumberland, Ancroft.
Jane Dunn, Daur, Unm, 8f, Scholar, Northumberland, Norham.
Catherine Dunn, Daur, Unm, 6f, Scholar, Northumberland, Norham.
George Dunn, Son, Unm, 3m, Northumberland, Tweedmouth.
Ann Dunn, Daur, Unm, 10months f, Northumberland, Earsdon. - [S384] Cenus 1861, Duddo, Thomas Dunn & Household, Head Of Household: Dunn, Thomas
Census Place: Duddo, Norham
Household Address: Old Greenlawalls Colliery Cottages, Norham
Thomas Dunn, Head, Marr, 28m, Ag. Labourer, Shidlaw, Northumberland.
Jane Dunn, Wife, Marr, 22f, Midsteads, Northumberland
Elizabeth A Dunn, Daur, 1f, Ancroft Moor, Northumberland. - [S385] Cenus 1871, Buckton, Thomas Dunn & Household, Head Of Household: Dunn, Thomas
Census Place: Buckton, Northumberland
Household Address: Smeafield, Kyloe
Thomas Dunn, Head, Marr, 48m, Ag. Lab. Northumberland, Shedlaw.
Jane Dunn, Wife, Marr, 43f, Northumberland, Tweedmouth.
Elizabeth A Dunn, Daur, Unm, 21f, Dressmaker Northumberland, Ancroft.
Jane Dunn, Daur, Unm, 19f, Ag. Lab. Northumberland, Norham.
Catherine Dunn, Daur, Unm, 16f, Ag. Lab. Northumberland, Norham.
George Dunn, Son, Unm, 13m, Scholar, Northumberland, Tweedmouth.
Ann Dunn, Daur, Unm, 10months f, Northumberland, Earsdon.
Annie Dunn, Daur, 10f, Scholar, Northumberland, Earsdon.
Henrietta Dunn, Daur, 4f, Scholar, Northumberland, Woodhorn. - [S387] Marriage Record for Robert Davison & Isabella Dick, 1826, Church: St.Aidan's Church, Bamburgh
1826. Robert Davison of this parish and Isabella Dick of this parish were married in this church by Banns this Twenty Forth Day of May in the year One Thousand eight hundred and Twenty Six by me J Mesenger Subfasate. This marriage was solemnised between us William Davison and Isabella Dick now Davison in the presence of Gilbert Forsythe and Isabella Rutherford. - [S388] Marriage Record Wilkinson Johnson and Margaret Robinson, Bamburgh, 1845., Church: St.Aidan's Church, Bamburgh
1845, Marriage solemnised in Bamburgh Church in the parish of Bamburgh in the County of Northumberland. No. 52. December 1st. BETWEEN Wilkinson Johnson, full age, Bachelor, Mason, from Budle, Father Thomas Johnson, Shoemaker AND Margaret Robinson, full age, Spinster, from Bamburgh, father Thomas Robinson, Labourer. WITNESSES Thomas Smith, Thomas Johnson. - [S389] Marriage Record for Francis Armstrong & Alice Joihnson, Bamburgh 1874, Church: St.Aidan's Church, Bamburgh
1874, Marriage solemnised in Bamburgh Church in the parish of Bamburgh in the County of Northumberland. No. 207. May 30th BETWEEN Francis Armstong, full age, Bachelor, Collier from Bidsdale Carsingside, Father Thomas Armstrong, Shepherd AND Alice Johnson, 19?yrs Spinster, from Bamburgh, father Wilkinson Johnson, Mason. Married in the parish Church by licence. WITNESSES Wilkinson Johnson, Isabella Ham. - [S390] Marriage Record for James McDougle and Mary Johnson, Bamburgh 1870, Church: St.Aidan's Church, Bamburgh
1870 Marriage solemnised at Bamburgh in the parish of Bamburgh in the County of Northumberland. No. 189. November 5th. BETWEEN James McDougle, full age, Bachelor, Joiner from Bamburgh, Father Peter McDougle, Joiner AND Mary Johnson, minor, Spinster, from Bamburgh, father Wilkie Johnson, Mason. Married in the parish Church. WITNESSES Wilkinson Johnson, Sarah Johnson. - [S391] Baptism record for Margaret Robinson, Bamburgh 1819, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Margaret daughter of Thomas and Rekekah Robinson, Bamburg. Husbandman. - [S392] Baptism record for Mary Robinson, Bamburgh 1822, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Mary daughter of Thomas and Rekecca Robinson, Bamburg. Husbandman. - [S393] Baptism record for George Robinson, Bamburgh 1825, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Mary daughter of Thomas and Rekecca Robinson, Bamburg. Husbandman. - [S394] Baptism record for Rebecca Johnson, Bambugh, 1846, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Nov. 1st. Rebecca, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S395] Baptism record for Sarah Johnson, Bambugh, 1848, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Oct 15th. Sarah, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S396] Baptism record for Mary Johnson, Bambugh, 1852, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
July 27th. Mary, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S397] Baptism record for William George Johnson, Bambugh, 1854, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
July 2nd. William George, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S398] Baptism record for Alice Johnson, Bambugh, 1856, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
June 8th. Alice, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S399] Baptism record for Elizabeth Jane Johnson, Bambugh, 1858, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Aug. 15th, Elizabeth Jane, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S400] Baptism record for Thomas Johnson, Bambugh, 1847, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Nov 14th. Thomas, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S401] Baptism record for Thomas Johnson, Bambugh, 1862, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
June 28th. Thomas, Wilkinson & Margaret Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason - [S402] Baptism record for John Wilkinson Milne Johnson, Bambugh, 1851, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Dec. 28th. John Wilkinson Milne, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S403] Baptism record for Margaret Shield Johnson, Bambugh, 1849, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Dec 2nd. Margaret Shield, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S404] Baptism record for George Loan Johnson, Bambugh, 1854, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
March 19th. George Loan, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S405] Baptism record for Elizabeth Johnson, Bamburgh, 1856, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
May 18th, Elizabeth, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S406] Baptism record for James Alexander Johnson, Bambugh, 1859, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
27th. Feb. James Alexander, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S407] Baptism record for Sarah Jane Johnson, Bambugh, 1864, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Jan 31st, Sarah Jane, Thomas & Jane Johnson, Bamburgh, Shoemaker. - [S408] Baptism record for Thomas Johnson, Belford, 1820, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
12th. Nov. Thomas son of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S409] Baptism record for Wilkinson Johnson, Belford, 1823, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
Wilkinson son of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S410] Baptism record for Adam Johnson, Belford, 1819, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
2nd May. Adam son of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S411] Baptism record for Thomas Johnson, Belford, 1787, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1787, April, 15. Thomas S. of Adam Johnson, Belford. - [S412] Baptism record for Margaret Reid Johnson, Belford, 1796, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1796, February 9th. Margaret Reid D. of Adam Johnson, Belford. - [S413] Baptism record for John Johnson, Belford, 1791, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1791, March 20th. John S. of Adam Johnson, Belford. - [S414] Baptism record for George Johnson, Belford, 1789, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1789 February 8th. George S. of Adam Johnson, Belford. - [S415] Marriage Record for Adam Johnson & Mary Reid, Belford, 1783, Church: St.Mary's Church, Belford
Banns of Marriage between Adam Johnson and Mary Reid were duly published March 9th, 16th, 23rd by me Wm Armstrong Curate.
Adam Johnson of the Parish of Belford and Mary Reid of the Parish of Belford were
Married in this church by Publication of Banns
this twentyseveth day of March in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three by me Wm Armstring Curate.
This marriage was solemnised between Us, Adam Johnson, Mary Reid In the presence of John Baker & Thos Bell. - [S416] Marriage Record for George Johnson & Alice Tennant, Belford, 1830, Church: St.Mary's Church, Belford
George Johnson of this parish and Alice Tennant of this parish also widow were married in this church by Banns with consent of parents and guardians this nineteenth Day of June in the year One Thousand eight hundred and Thirty, by me John James Curate.
This marriage was solemnisd between us George Johns, X her mark Alice Tennant.
In the Presence of Thomas Rogers and ? - [S417] Baptism record for Mary Johnson, Belford, 1824, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1824, 1st Aug. Mary daughter of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S418] Baptism record for Mary Johnson, Belford, 1820, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1820, 12th Dec. Mary Daughter of Adam & Jane Johnson, Belford, Hind. - [S419] Baptism record for Isabella Johnson, Belford, 1820, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1820, 12th Dec. Isabella Daughter of Adam & Jane Johnson, Belford, Hind. - [S420] Baptism record for Jane Johnson, Belford, 1820, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1820, 7th May. Jane Daughter of William & Jane Johnson, Belford, Mason. - [S421] Baptism record for Sarah Johnson, Belford, 1822, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1822, 7th May. Sarah Daughter of William & Jane Johnson, Belford, Mason. - [S424] Census 1861 Shipley, Andrew davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Andrew
Census Place: Shipley
Household Address: Shipley Township, Northumberland
Andrew Davison, Head, M, 28m, Farm Steward, Northumberland, Easington Grange.
Margaret Jane Davison, Wife, m. 23f, Farm Steward's wife, Northumberland, Casuledge Park.
Robert Davison, 10mths m, Northumberland, Shipley - [S425] Census 1871, Longhoughton, Andrew Davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Andrew
Census Place: Lomghoughton
Household Address: Long Bank Farm Cottage, Lomghoughton, Northumberland
Andrew Davison, Head, Mar, 38m, Farm Steward, Northumberland, Easington.
Margaret Davison, Wife, Mar. 33f, Farm Steward's wife, Northumberland, Shipley.
Robert Davison, Son, 10m, Scholar, Northumberland, Shipley.
John Davison, Son, 8m, Scholar, Northumberland, Shipley.
Isabella Davison, Daur, 6f, Scholar, Northumberland, Shipley.
Margaret Davison, Daur, 4f, Scholar, Northumberland, Shipley.
Mary Ann Davison, Daur, 2f, Scholar, Long Bank, Northumberland, Longhoughton.
Andrew Davison, 6months, m, Northumberland. Long Bank, Longhoughton. - [S426] Census 1881, Shipley, Andrew Davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Andrew
Census Place: Shipley, Eglingham
Household Address: Shipey Steads, Northumberland
Andrew Davison, Head, Mar, 48m, Farm Steward, Northumberland, Belford.
Margaret Davison, Wife, Mar. 43f, Northumberland, College Park, Alnwick.
Robert Davison, Son, 20m, Unmarr, Ag Lbr, Northumberland, Shipley Steads.
Isabella Davison, Daur, 16f, Scholar, Northumberland, Shipley Steads.
Margaret Davison, Daur, 14f, Scholar, Northumberland, Shipley Steads.
Mary Ann Davison, Daur, 2f, Scholar, Long Bank, Northumberland, Longhoughton.
Andrew Davison, 10m, Northumberland. Long Bank, Longhoughton.
Dorothy Davison, Daur, 5f, Northumberland. Long Bank, Longhoughton.
Robert Potts, Visitor, Unmarr, 58m, Shoemaker, Northumberland, Alnwick. - [S427] Census 1891, Longhoughton, Andrew Davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Andrew
Census Place: Longhoughton
Household Address: Ralcheugh newbuildings, Longhoughton, Northumberland
Andrew Davison, Head, M, 58m, Farm Steward, Northumberland, Belford.
Margaret Davison, Wife, M. 53f, Northumberland, Alnwick.
Margaret Davison, S, 24f, Dressmaker, Northumberland, Eglingham.
Andrew Davison, 20m, Agricultural Labourer, Northumberland, Longhoughton.
Dorothy Davison, Daur, 15f, Northumberland, Longhoughton. - [S428] Census 1861, Lowick, Margaret Davison & family, Head Of Household: Davison, Margaret
Census Place: Lowick
Household Address: Holburn, Lowick
Margaret Davison, Head, W, 42f, Farm Servant, Scotland.
Robert Davison, Son, Un, 17m, Ag. Lab, Northumberland, Chatton.
Dorothy Davison, Daur, Un, 11f, Scholar, Northumberland, Bamburgh.
David Davison, Son, Un, 8m, Scholar, Northumberland. Longhaughton. - [S429] Baptism record of Mary & Margaret Wilson, 1819, Parish: St.Mary's Church, Gateshead
1819, No. 2167. 11 July, Mary and Margaret, twins, to Robert & Margaret Wilson, Gateshead Fell, Pitman. (Marginal note: Born July 10, omitted in Bps. Transcript)) - [S430] Burial Record for Mary Wilson, 1819, Parish: St.Mary's Gateshead
Mary Wilson, Gateshead, 12/9/1819, 9 weeks. - [S431] Marriage Record for Robert Wilson & Margaret Wilson, 1/1/1818, Church: St.Mary's Church, Chester le Street.
No 272. Robert Wilson of this parish aged 20 years and Margaret Wilson of this parish aged 24 years were married in this church by Banns with consent of parents this First Day of January in the year 1819 By me ----. This marriage was solemnnised between us Robert Wilson his x mark, Margaret Wilson her x mark in the presence of Wm Lewins his x mark, lm Pybus (Names indistinct). - [S432] Marriage Record for Richard Pitman & Charlotte Challen, 1828, Church: Midhust Parish Church
Marriages Solemnized in the Parish of Midhurst in the County of Sussex in the year 1828.
Richard Pitman of this Parish, Bachelor, and Charlotte Challen of this parish, Spinster, were married in this church by Banns this twenty eighth Day of November in the year One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight By me Chas Conroy curate. This marriage was solemnized between us Richard Pitman, Charlotte Challen in the Presence of Thomas hall, Elizabeth Challen. - [S433] Marriage Record for Henry Pitman & Hannah Eldridge, 1791, Church: Midhust Parish Church
Banns of Marriage between Henry Pitman and Hannah Eldridge both of this Parish were published on three several Sundays viz, April 3rd, 10th, 17th and no impediment was alleged.
No 184. Henry Pitman and Hannah Eldridge both of this Parish were Married in this Church by Banns this 10th Day of May in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and 91 by me Charles Parson, Curate. This Marriage was solemnized between Us Henry Pitman, The mark of Hannah Eldridge. In the Presence of Sarah Moor, John ? - [S434] Marriage Record for Henry Pitman & Jane Boxal, 1761, Church: Midhust Parish Church
Banns of Marriage between Henry Pitman Bachelor and Jane Boxal Maiden both of this Parish were published June 28, July 5 &12.
No 31. The said Henry Pitman of this Parish Bachelor and Jane Boxal of this Parish Spinister were Married in this Church by Banns this 13th Day of July in the year One Thousand Seven. undred and sixty One by me Francis Stkins Minister. This Marriage was solemnized between Us Henry Pitman his mark Jane Boxal. In the Presence of Thomas Edwards, Mary Edwards. - [S435] Baptism Records of Midhurst Parish Church, Parish: Midhurst. West Sussex
- [S436] Marriage Records of Midhurst Parish Church
- [S437] Burial Records of Midhurst Parish Church, Parish: Midhurst. West Sussex
- [S438] Census 1841. Midhurst, for Richard (Henry) Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richd
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, Sussex
Richd Pitman, 40m, Shoem, N.
Sarah Pitman, 30f, N.
William Pitman, 75m, Tull ? Y. - [S439] Census 1861. Midhurst, for Henry Pitman, Head Of Household: Pitman, Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Rumbolds Hill, Midhurst, Sussex
Henry Pitman, Head, Widdr, 66m, Boot and Shoemaker (Master), Sussex, Midhurst. - [S440] Census 1881. Midhurst, for Henry Pitman, Head Of Household: Pitman, Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Rumbolds Hill, Midhurst, Sussex
Henry Pitman, Head, Wdr, 86m, Retired Shoemaker, Sussex, Midhurst - [S441] Census 1841. Midhurst, for Henry Pitman (Snr) & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Rumbolds Hill, Midhurst, Sussex Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, W. Sussex
Hy Pitman, 78m, Parish Clerk, Y.
Hanh Pitman, 73f, Y.
Jane Pitman, 30d, Y. - [S442] Census 1851. Midhurst, for Richard Henry Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richard Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Knockhundred Row, Midhurst, Sussex
Richd Hy Pitman, Head, Mar, 50m, Shoemaker empy 3 men, London.
Sarah Pitman, Wife, M, 41f, Hants, Ringwood.
Wm King. Visitor 8m, Scholar, Sussex, Midhurst - [S443] Census 1881. Midhurst, for Richard Henry Pitman & Family, Head Of Household: Pitman, Richard Henry
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Market Square, Midhurst, Sussex
Richard H Pitman, Head, Marr, 80m, Boot & Shoe Maker (Master) Middlesex, London.
Sarah Pitman, Wife, Marr, 77 Hants, Ringwood. - [S444] Census 1861, Hillingdon, Charles Pitman and Household, Head Of Household: Pitman, Charles
Census Place: Hillingdon
Household Address: Rockingham Parade, Hillingdon
Charles Pitman, Head, Marr, 51m, Carpenter (mechanic), Midx, Hillingdon.
Margaret Pitman, Wife, Marr, 50f, N. K.
Walter Pitman, Son, Un, 17m, Middlx, Hillingdon.
Frederic Pitman, Son, U, 12m, Middlx, Hillingdon. - [S445] Census 1871, Hillingdon, Margaret Pitman, Head Of Household: Pitman, Margaret
Census Place: Hillingdon
Household Address: S. John's Road, Uxbridge Moor
Margaret Pitman, Head, Mar, 50f, Dressmaker, Sussex?, Uxbridge. - [S446] Census 1851, Midhurst, for M Pitman, living with J & H Baker, Head Of Household: Baker, John
Census Place: Midhurst, W Sussex
Household Address: Wool Lane, Midhurst, W Sussex
John Baker, Head, Marr, 29m, Carpenter, Sussex, Midhurst.
H Baker, wife, N, 33f, Sussex, Eashurst?
M Pitman, Visitor, 3f, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S447] Census 1851, Midhurst, for Mar Ann Pitman, living with J & H Baker, Head Of Household: Baker, John
Census Place: Midhurst, W Sussex
Household Address: Wool Lane, Midhurst, W Sussex
John Baker, Head, Marr, 39m, Master Carpente emplying 2 men& 3 app. Sussex, Midhurst.
Harriet Baker, wife, Unmar, 43f, Sussex, Ewhurst/
Mary Ann Pitman, Adopted Daur, 13f, Scholar, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S448] Census 1871. Midhurst, for William Pitman, Head Of Household: Pitman, William
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: Red Lion St., Midhurst, Sussex
William Pitman, Lodger, Unmar, 26m, General Servant to Omnibus Proprieter, Sssex, Midhurst. - [S449] Census 1871, Midhurst, for Mar Ann Pitman, living with J & H Baker, Head Of Household: Baker, John
Census Place: Midhurst, W Sussex
Household Address: Wool Lane, Midhurst, W Sussex
John Baker, Head, Marr, 39m, Builder Undertaker Master emplying 2 men & 1 boy. Sussex, Midhurst.
Harriet Baker, Wife, Marr, 43f, Sussex, Ewhurst.
Mary A Pitman, Visitor, Unmarr, 23f, Accountant, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S450] Census 1851, Midhurst, for Charlotte Pitman, living with James & Jane Riddle, Head Of Household: Riddle, James
Census Place: Midhurst, W Sussex
Household Address: North Street, Midhurst, W Sussex
James Riddle, Head, Marr, 51m, Housepainter (journeyman), Sussex, Midhurst.
Jane Riddle, Wife, Marr, 56f, Laundress, Sussex, Woolvington.
Jane Riddle, Daur, Unm, 25f, Laundress, Sussex, Midhurst.
Anne Baisley, Boarder, Unm, 24f, Shoebinder (needlewoman), Sussex, Midhurst.
Geoirge Wilson, Boarder, Unm, 26m, Cordwainer, Sussex, Petworth.
Charlotte Pitman, Boarder, Unm, 28f, Laundress, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S451] Various trade directory entries for Pitman Family, Midhusrt, Directory Type: Trade
Various Trade Directory Entries for Pitman Family in Midhurst. Taken from photo copies in Midhurst Library.
(Some sources not quoted in photocopies)
PIGOT 1832-34. p 1043. Boot & Shoe Makers.
Pitman, Henry.
Pitman, Henry Jnr.
Pitman, Richard.
PIGOT 1839. p 703. Boot & Shoe Makers.
Pitman Henry Jnr. Rumbolds Hill.
Pitman, Rd. Hy. Knockhundred Row.
1852. p 797. Traders.
Pitman, Henry, Shoemaker, Rumbolds Hill.
Pitman, Richard Henry, Shoemaker, Church St.
Pitman, Richard, Shoemaker & Parish Clerk, Church Street.
1855. Traders. p 931.
Pitman, Henry, Shoemaker, Rumbolds Hill.
Pitman, Richard Henry, Shoemaker, Church Street.
1858. Trades & Professions, etc. p 332.
Pitman, Richard Henry, Boot & Shoe Maker.
Pitman, Henry, Boot & Shoe Maker.
1859. Commercial. p 1593.
Pitman, Henry, Boot & Shoe Maker, Rumbolds Hill.
Pitman, Richard Henry, Shoemaker, Church Street.
Kelly, 1862. Commercial. p 1817.
Pitman, Richard Henry, shoemaker, Church Street.
Kelly ? 1866. Commercial. p 2094.
Pitman, Richard Henry, shoemaker, Church Street,
Kelly ? 1874. Commercial. p 2724.
Pitman, Richard Henry, Shoemaker, Church Street.
1878 - No Pitmans in directory. - [S452] Census 1841. Midhurst, for Eliz Challen & Daughter, Head Of Household: Challen, Eliz
Census Place: Midhurst, Sussex
Household Address: North Street, Midhurst, Sussex
Elizth Challen, 66f, Laundress, Y.
Elizabeth C Challen, 34f, Y. - [S453] Census 1861, Lawshall, Job Tickner & family, Head Of Household: Tickner, Job
Census Place: Lawshall, Suffollk
Household Address: School House, Lawshall, Suffolk
Job Tickner, Head, Mar, 43m, Teacher in National School, Sussex, Horsham.
Jane Tickner, Wife, Mar, 46f, Sussex, Midhurst.
Francis Tickner, Son, 10m, Scholar, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S454] Census 1871, Lawshall, Job Tickner & family, Head Of Household: Tickner, Job
Census Place: Lawshall, Suffollk
Household Address: Lawshall, Suffolk
Job Tickner, Head, Mar, 53m, Schoolmaster, Sussex, Horsham.
Jane Tickner, Wife, Mar, 60f, Schoolmistress, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S455] Census 1881, Canewdon, Job Tickner & family, Head Of Household: Tickner, Job
Census Place: Canewdon, Rochford
Household Address: School, Canewdon, Rochford, Essex
Job Tickner, Head, Mar, 63m, Schoolmaster, Sussex, Horsham.
Jane Tickner, Wife, Mar, 70f, Schoolmistress, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S456] Census 1891, Chichester, Job Tickner & family, Head Of Household: Tickner, Job
Census Place: Chichester
Household Address: 37 Orchard Terrace, Chichester, W. Sussex
Job Tickner, Head, Mar, 73m, Retired Schoolmaster, Sussex, Horsham.
Jane Tickner, Wife, Mar, 84f, Retired Schoolmistress, Sussex, Midhurst. - [S457] Certified Copy of an Entry of Marriage for William Hay & Elizabeth Wilson, Event Date: 12/5/1937
Date Certificate: 12/5/2937
Marriage Venue: St.Mary's Church, Horton
Rd Ref: 90
1937 Marriage Solemnized at St Mary's Church in the Parish of Horton in the County of Northumberland. No. 191. May 12th 1937.
Between: William Hay, 25, Bachelor, Bus Driver, 14 Middle Row, Barrington Colliery, Father William Hay, Colliery Constable.
And: Elizabeth Wilson, 22, Spinster, 3 Mansel Terrace, Bebside, Father John Wilson, Fore Overman.
Witnesses: John Geo Wilson, Julia A Wilson. - [S458] Certificate of Death for Julia Ann Wilson, 1947, Event Date: 27/1/1947
Registration Date: 29/1/1947
Registration District: Northumberland Central
Rd Ref: 224
No 224. Twenty Seventh January 1947, 41 Jubilee Terrace, Bedlington U. D. Julia Ann Wilson, Female, 50 years, of 3 Mansell Terrace, Bedside, Blyth U. D. Wife of John Wilson, Colliery Fore Overman. (Cause of Death) Cerebral Haemorrhage, Hypertension. (Informant) W. Hay, present at the death. 3 Mansell Terrace, Bebside. (Registered) Twenty Ninth January, 1947. - [S459] Certificate of Death for John Wilson, 1964, Event Date: 6/5/1964
Registration Date: 7/5/1964
Registration District: Northumberland Central
Rd Ref: 215
1964. Death in the Sub-district of Blyth in the County of Northumberland. No 215.
Sixth May 1964, 3 Mansel Terrace, Blyth, John Wilson, Male, 75 years, Retired Deputy in Mine. (Cause of Death) Generalised ???, Carcinoma of Prostatic. (Informant) W Hay, Son in law, 3 Mansel Terrace, Blyth. (Registered) Seventh May 1964. - [S460] Certificate issued by NCB to John Wilson for 52 years in mining industry., Issued By: National Coal Board
The National Coal Board Certificate
For long and meritorius service
Presented to John Wilson
in recognition and appeciation of
52 years loyal and efficient service
the mining Industry and Country
H S Hazelwood
Chairman of the Board
John Bowman
Chairman of the Divisional Board - [S461] Certificate of Registration of Birth, Julia Agnes Davison Hay, Event Date: 19/6/1938
Registration Date: 3/8/1938
Registration District: Northumberlan Central
Rd Ref: 113
1938. Birth in the Sub-district of Blyth in the County of Northumberland. No 113.
Nineteeth June 1938, 3 Mansel Terrace, Bebside, Blyth. Julia Agnes Davison, gilrl to William Hay & Elizabeth Hay formerly Wilson. Motor Omnibus Driver. (Informant) W Hay, father, 3 Mansel Terrace, Bebside. (Registered) Third August, 1938. - [S462] Receipt for settlement of Funeral costs for John Wilson, Issued By: Blyth Co-operative Society Limited
Event Date: c 16/5/1925
Date Receipt: 5/1964
To Mrs Hay, 3 Mansell Terrace, Bebside.
Interment of the late John Wilson, 9th. May 1964.
Best Oak Coffin
Casket fittings - £28 10s. 0p
Motor Hearse £3 7s 6p
4 Motor Coaches £8 10s 0p
Officiating Fee £4 15s 0p
Press Notices £7 10s 0p
Catering £5 17s 0p
2 wreaths at 50/-, 3 at 40/-, Spray 20/- £12 0s 0p
Total £70 9s 6p
Cemetary Fees £5 14s. 0p
Total £76 3s 6p. - [S463] Receipt for settlement of Funeral costs for Julia Agnes Davison Hay, Issued By: Blyth Co-operative Society Limited
Date Receipt: 19/8/1938
Mr & Mrs Hay, C/O Mr & Mrs Wilson, 3 Lonsdale Terrace, Bebside. 19/8/1938.
To Interrment of Julia Agnes Davison Hay
Plain White Coffin, Mantle & Shroud. £1. 5s. 0d.
Removal from Newcastle, 5s. 0d.
2 Motor Coaches, £2. 10s. 0d.
Total, £4. 0s. 0d.
Cemetary Fees, 12s. 6d.
Total £4. 12s. 6d. - [S464] Deed for Davison Family Grave in Cowpen Cemetary, Township of Cowpen Burial Board, 144.
We the Burial Board for the Township of Cowpen in the County of Northumberland, in consideration of the sum of Seven Pounds, two shillings, paid by Julia Ann Davison of Bebside Furnace, within the County of Northumberland, widow do herby grant unto the said Julia Ann Davison the exclusive Right of Burial in the Four Grave Spaces bearing numbers, 2582, 2617, 2616 and 2615 ( apparent correction in brackets under the numbers, 2582, 2580, 2578, 2599) on the Unconsecrated Ground at the Cemetery in the said Township of Cowpen and being part of the Ground provided by the said Burial Board, to Hold the same to the said Julia Ann Davison for the purpose of Burial, subject to the Regulations now in force, or which may hereafter be issued with regard to the said Cemetery, by Her majesty's Secretary of State, or by the said Burial Board, or any competent authority.
Given under our hands and the seal of the said Burial Board, this Tenth day of December One Thousand Nine hundred and One.
On reverse, handwritten items:
No 2577 Reopened for interrment, Jane Ellen Davison. 2nd June 1925.
2584 Reopened 12/8/1938.
No 2577 Reopened for David Davison. 11/12/44.
2584 Reopened for Julia A Wilson, 30/1/47.
No 2598 Reopened for W Davison 1/4/52.
No 2577 Reopened, 18th Feb 1961.
No 2580 Full ayck? 9th May 1964. - [S465] Baptism record for George Francis Johnson, Belford, 1830, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
George Francis son of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S466] Baptism record for Alice Johnson, Belford, 1826, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
Alice daughter of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S467] Baptism record for Sarah Johnson, Belford, 1828, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
Sarah daughter of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S468] Baptism record for William Johnson, Belford, 1837, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
William son of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S469] Baptism record for John Gouldy Johnson, Belford, 1833, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
John Gouldy son of Thomas & Alice Johnson, Belford, Shoemaker. - [S470] Baptism record for Mary Johnson, Belford, 1813, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1813, 18th June, Mary Daughter of William & Jane Johnson, Belford - [S471] Baptism record for William Johnson, Belford, 1816, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1816, 4th Aug. Willaim ch of William & Jane Johnson, Belford - [S472] Baptism record for Frances Johnson, Belford, 1825, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1825, 29th May, Frances daughter of William & Jane Johnson, Belford, Mason. - [S473] Baptism record for Ann Johnson, Belford, 1826, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1826, 28th May, Ann Daughter of Adam & Jane Johnson, Belford - [S474] Baptism record for John Johnson, Belford, 1829, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1829, 25th Jan, John son of Adam & Jane Johnson, Belford, Husbandman. - [S475] Census 1841, Haggerston, Adam Johnson & family, Head Of Household: Johnson, Adam
Census Place: New Haggerston
Household Address: Fenkle Street, Alnwick
Adam Johnson, 50m, Ag. Lab. Y (=Northumberland),
Jane Johnson, 50f, Y,
Jane Johnson, 25f, N,
Mary Johnson, 20f, N,
John Johnson, 12m, N. - [S476] Census 1841, Belford, John Johnson & household, Head Of Household: Johnson, John
Census Place: Belford
Household Address: West Street, Belford.
John Johnson, 50m, Baker, Y (=Northumberland),
Jane Johnson, 45f, Y,
George Johnson, 20m, Ag. Lab. Y,
Henry Johnson, 15m, Ag. Lab. Y,
William Johnson, 15m, Ag. Lab. Y,
Andrew Johnson, 13m, Y,
Joseph Johnson, 11m, Y. - [S477] Baptism record for George Johnson, Belford, 1830, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1830, 18th Dec George ch of John & Jane Johnson. - [S478] Baptism record for Jane Ann Johnson, Bambugh, 1886, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1886, 30th May. Jane Ann daughter of Thomas Robinson & Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Bamburgh, Slater. - [S479] Baptism record for John Johnson, Bambugh, 1888, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1888. Ninth September, John son of Thomas Robinson & Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Bamburgh, Slater. - [S480] Baptism record for Mary Isabella Johnson, Bambugh, 1885, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1885, Feb 15th, Mary Isabella, Daughter of William George & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S481] Baptism record for Margaret Jane Johnson, Bambugh, 1885, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
Private, 1885, December 3rd. Margaret Jane to William George & Isabella Johnson, Glorium, Mason. - [S482] Baptism record for George Thomas Johnson, Bambugh, 1887, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1887, 28th May. George Thomas to Thomas Robinson & Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Bamburgh, Slater. - [S483] Baptism record for Margaret Johnson, Bambugh, 1887, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1887, 27th November, Margaret to William & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S484] Baptism record for George Thomas Johnson, Bambugh, 1887, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1887, 27th November. George Thomas to Thomas Robinson & Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Bamburgh, Slater. - [S485] Baptism record for Jane Lilley Johnson, Bambugh, 1889, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1889, 21st April, Jane Lilley to William George & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S486] Baptism record for Alexander Johnson, Bambugh, 1890, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1890, 28th Dec, Alexander to William George & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S487] Baptism record for William Robert Johnson, Bambugh, 1892, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1892, 11th September, William Robert to William George & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S488] Baptism record for Elizabeth Johnson, Bambugh, 1893, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
18933, 3rd. Dec, Elizabeth to William George & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S489] Baptism record for Stanley Nightingale Johnson, Bambugh, 1899, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1899 Private Baptism, 7th May, Stanley Nightingale to William George & Isabella Johnson, Bamburgh, Mason. - [S490] Baptism record for Catherine Alice Johnson, Bamburgh, 1896, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan
1896, 1st March, Catherine Alice to George & Catherine Johnson, Greenhill, Groom. - [S491] Baptism record for Edith Johnson, Bamburgh, 1898, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan
1898, 9th August, Edith to George & Catherine Johnson, Armstrong Cottages, Groom. - [S492] Baptism record for Mary Johnson, Belford, 1827, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1827, May 28th. Dec. Mary Daughter of Adam & Jane Johnson, Belford, Hind. - [S493] Baptism record for Ralph Johnson, Belford, 1831, Parish: Belford, St.Mary
1831, 12th December, Ralph son of John & Jane Johnson, Belford, Labourer. - [S494] Baptism record for Jane Mordue Johnson, Bamburgh, 1867, Parish: Bamburgh, St.Aidan's
1867, 29th September, Jane Mordue daughter of Sarah Johnson, Bamburgh, single woman. - [S495] Census 1841, Chatton, Robert Davison & Household, Head Of Household: Coxon, Davison
Census Place: Chatton
Household Address: Arneside law
Robert Davison, 43m, Ag. Lab, Y (=Northumberland).
John Davison, 14m, Y,
Mary Davison, 11f, Y,
Andrw Davison, 8m, Y,
Margaret Luck, 28f, F. S. Y,
Mary Luck, 2f, Y. - [S496] Marriage Certificate for William Wilson & Isabella Robinson, 1842, Event Date: 25/12/1842
Date Certificate: 21/9/2007
Registration District: General Register Office
Marriage Venue: St.Hilda's, South Shields
Rd Ref: 33
1842, marriage solemnized at the Church of St.Hilda in the parish of St.Hilda in the County of Durham.
No. 498. December 25th. BETWEEN William Wilson, of full age, Bachelor, Pitman, So. Shields, Father: Robert Wilson. Pitman
AND Isabella Robinson, of full age, Spinster, Father: Robert Robinson, Pitman.
WITNESSES: Wm Jameson (?), Jas Ramsey. - [S497] Personal memories of William McAvoy
- [S498] Walton, Paul, An E-mail from Paul Walton re McMeiken, 22/12/2007, E-mail Address: paul. email address. net
Dear Sir,
my wife is a descendant of the Archibald McMieken listed on your family website.
This is the History we have which you are free to use.
Archibald, born Stranraer Wigtownshire Scotland c1826. Father Archibald, Mother Margaret. Three siblings, James, John and Margaret.
Married Martha Ann Gilmour. born c1829, she was Irish and her family were living at little Dublin St Stranraer in 1841.
She died 25/09/1869 (Typhus Fever) buried in Whitehaven Old Cemetery with son Henry. (Cannot find a marriage cert)
Their children were:
Grace 1846 (Wigton) - married Thomas Thompson, moved to Barrow in Furness. Grace is the witness on her mothers and brothers death certs.
Jane 1848 (Carlisle) - married Thomas Bateson from Alston.
Elizabeth 1850 (Whitehaven)
Mary 1852 (Whitehaven) - married Charles Herdman last known to be at West Herrington Co Durham (probably linked to coal mining).
James 1854 (Whitehaven) - married Kate? possibly Catherine Danse not certain at this time.
Archibald 1857 (Whitehaven)
William 1859 (Whitehaven)
Henry 1861-69 (Whitehaven) died 24/09/1869 (Typhus Fever).
Martha Ann 12/08/1867 (Whitehaven), became a domestic servant prior to her marriage to William Kelly (1865 Coal or Iron Ore Miner) at Our Lady of the sacred Heart (St Mary's) Cleator 03/12/1887. She died 20/01/1951 at Cleator Moor in Cumberland.
Agnes 1869. went to America, returned with child! then married John Thomas 1893 and moved to the Teeside area where Mr Thomas came from (this info came from Mr Thomas's descendants).
Martha Ann is my wife's great grandmother.
Family legend refers to these people as "Tinkers".
Kind regards, Paul Walton.
paul. email address. net
P. S. if you have access to Genes reunited our family tree is posted there.
Release Date: 23/12/2007 17: 27 - [S499] Census 1851, Whitehaven, McMeekin, Archibald, Census Type: National
Head Of Household: McMeekin, Archibald
Census Place: Whitehaven
Household Address: 10 Barker Place, Whitehaven
Archibald McMeekin, Head, Marr, 25m, Agicultural Labourer, Scotland.
Martha McMeekin, Wife, Marr, 22f, Scotland.
Grace McMeekin, Daur, 5f, Cumberland, Wigton.
Jane McMeekin, Daur, 3f, Cumberland, Carlise.
Elizabeth McMeekin, Daur, 1f, Cumberland, Whitehaven. - [S500] Census 1841, Stranraer, Gilmour, John and family, Head Of Household: Gilmour, John
Census Place: Stranraer
Household Address: Little Dublin Street, Stranraer
John Gilmour, 30m, Ag L. Ireland.
Martha Gilmour, 12.
Eliza Gilmour, 9.
Mary Gilmour, 6.
Henry Gilmour, 4.
Catherine Gilmour, 2.