Stoker Wilson's Family History Page

Person Page 22

The website for the Family History of Stoker & Lynn Wilson

William Mather1

M, #526, Deceased, b. about 1715, d. March 1749

Family: Catherine Mason (b. about December 1715, d. 1749)


  • He married Catherine Mason in Clayport, Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • William Mather was a Mason/Slater.1
  • He was born about 1715.1
  • He died in March 1749 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • He was buried on 11 March 1752 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Catherine Mason1

F, #527, Deceased, b. about December 1715, d. 1749


Family: William Mather (b. about 1715, d. March 1749)


  • She was also known as Catherine Mather.1
  • She married William Mather in Clayport, Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • She was born about December 1715 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • She died in 1749 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • She was buried on 10 September 1749 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Thomas Mason1

M, #528, Deceased, b. about 1690

Family: Margaret Elliot (b. about 1690)


  • He was born about 1690.1
  • He married Margaret Elliot on 10 February 1711 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Margaret Elliot1

F, #529, Deceased, b. about 1690

Family: Thomas Mason (b. about 1690)


  • She was also known as Margaret Mason.1
  • She was born about 1690.1
  • She married Thomas Mason on 10 February 1711 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Thomas Mason1

M, #530, Deceased, b. about October 1713



  • He was born about October 1713.1


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Joseph Mason1

M, #531, Deceased, b. about May 1712



  • He was born about May 1712 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

John Mason1

M, #532, Deceased, b. August 1718



  • He was born in August 1718 in Alnwick, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Ellen Snowdon1

F, #533, Deceased, b. 1830



  • She was born in 1830 in Morpeth, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Ann Snowdon1

F, #534, Deceased, b. 1839



  • She was born in 1839 in Rothbury, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Robert Snowdon1

M, #535, Deceased, b. 1843



  • He was born in 1843 in Rothbury, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Jane Snowdon1

F, #536, Deceased, b. 1849



  • She was born in 1849 in Rothbury, Northumberland, England.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Matthew Hall1

M, #537, Deceased, b. 1818


  • Matthew Hall was a Gamekeeper.1
  • He was born in 1818 in Northumberland, England.1
  • He married Elizabeth Coxon on 31 August 1856.1
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba

Elizabeth Mennim1

F, #538, Deceased, b. about 1831


Family: William Coxon (b. 11 March 1832)


  • She was also known as Elizabeth Coxon.1
  • She was born about 1831 in Biddlestone Edge, Alwinton, Northumberland, England. Biddlestone, some miles to the East of Alwinton, and NW of Rothbury, is the most likely birthplace of Elizabeth Menham. the 1891 cenus records "Buddlestone Edge". The other census' record her birthplace as either Alwinton on Rothbury.2
  • She married William Coxon about 1855. (Date of Marriage estimated from date eldest known child).1

Census References

1851She appeared in the census on 30 March 1851 in Snitter, Thropton, Northumberland, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].3
1861She appeared in the census on 7 April 1861 in Combfield House, Brinkburn, Northumberland, England. [Witness Role: Wife].4
1871She appeared in the census on 2 April 1871 in Plessey Mill, Stannington, Northumberland, England. [Witness Role: Wife].1,5
1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Stowell Street (6), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Wife].6
1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in Napier St (39), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Wife].2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S342] Census, 1891, William Coxon & family, Newcastle upon tyne, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Newcastle, All Saints
    William Coxon, Head, M, 58m, Horsekeeper, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, M, 58f, Northumberland, Buddlestone Edge,
    Elizabeth, Daug, S, 25 F, Newcastle on Tyne,
    Frank R. M. Coxon, S. Son, 19m, Fruiterer's Carman, Northumberland, Plessey Mill,
    John G. Coxon, S, Son, 17m, Lemonade Cartman, Northumberland, Plessey Mill.
  3. [S343] Census 1851, Sniter, James Minnim and family, Head Of Household: Mennim, James
    Census Place: Snitter
    Household Address: Snitter, Northumberland
    James Mennim, Head. Marr, 45m, Farmer of ? acres, Scotland, Roxburgh,
    Ann Mennim, Wife, Marr, 43f, Wife, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Mennim, U, Daur, 19f, Dressmaker, Northumberland, U, Alwinton,
    Ann Mennim, Daur, 15f, farmers daughter, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Fanny Mennim, U, Daur, 13f, Northumberalnd, Alwinton.
  4. [S97] National census, 1861 for William Coxon Household, Brinkburn, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Brinkburn, Low Ward
    Household Address: Combfield House, Brinkburn
    William Coxon, Head, 28m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, 28f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    William Coxon, Son, 5m, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Ann Coxon, Daughter, 3f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Robert Coxon, Brother, Unmarried, 22m, Millcaster, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    George Ross, Servant, Unmarried, 22m, Millcaster, Northumberland, Elsdon,
    Elizabeth Pringle, Servant, Unmarried, 16f, Northumberland, Netherwitton
  5. [S98] Census, 1871, William Coxon at Stannington, Plessey Mill, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Stannington, Plessey Mill
    Household Address: Plessey Mill
    William Coxon, Head, Marr, 39, Cartman, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, 38, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Annie Coxon, Daughter, 13, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    James E, Son, 7, Northumberland, Brinkburn,
    Elizabeth, Daughter, 5, Newcastle
  6. [S99] Census, 1881, William Coxon & family, Newcastle upon tyne, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Newcastle, St John
    Household Address: 6 Stowell St. Newcastle
    Census record 1881. Unusually there appear to be two families, each with their own head listed at 6 Stowell Street. William and his family, and his daughter Annies family listed under her husband Robert Anderson.
    Robert Anderson, Head, Marr, 22m, Coachman, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, Marr, 22f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 3months f, Newcastle on Tyne,
    William Coxon, Head, Marr, 49m, dairyman, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, Marr, 49f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    James, Son, 17m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth, Daug, 15 F, Dairymaid (Milk seller), Newcastle,
    Frances Coxon, Son, 9m, Northumberland, Stannington,
    John Coxon, Son, 7m, Scholar, Northumberland, Stannington.

William Coxon1

M, #539, Deceased, b. 1856



  • He was born in 1856 in Alwinton, Northumberland, England.1

Census References

1861He appeared in the census on 7 April 1861 in Combfield House, Brinkburn, Northumberland, England. [Witness Role: Son].2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S97] National census, 1861 for William Coxon Household, Brinkburn, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Brinkburn, Low Ward
    Household Address: Combfield House, Brinkburn
    William Coxon, Head, 28m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, 28f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    William Coxon, Son, 5m, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Ann Coxon, Daughter, 3f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Robert Coxon, Brother, Unmarried, 22m, Millcaster, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    George Ross, Servant, Unmarried, 22m, Millcaster, Northumberland, Elsdon,
    Elizabeth Pringle, Servant, Unmarried, 16f, Northumberland, Netherwitton

Annie Coxon1

F, #540, Deceased, b. 1858


Family: Robert Anderson (b. 1858)


  • She was also known as Annie Anderson.1
  • She was born in 1858 in Snitter, Thropton, Northumberland, England.1
  • She married Robert Anderson estimated 1880. (DOM estimated from DOB eldest know child).2

Census References

1861She appeared in the census on 7 April 1861 in Combfield House, Brinkburn, Northumberland, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].3
1871She appeared in the census on 2 April 1871 in Plessey Mill, Stannington, Northumberland, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].1,4
1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Stowell Street (6), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Wife].5
1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in School Street (113), Gateshead, Co. Durham, England. [Witness Role: Wife].2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S600] Census 1891, Gateshead, Anderson, Robert and household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Anderson, Robert
    Census Place: Gateshead
    Household Address: 113 School St. Gateshead, Co. Durham
    Robert Anderson, Head, M, 33m, Railway Clerk, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, M, 33f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 10f, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    William C Anderson, Son, 8m, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    Ada A Anderson, Daur, 6f, Durham, Gateshead,
    Athalinda H Anderson, Daur, 6mths f, Durham, Gateshead.
  3. [S97] National census, 1861 for William Coxon Household, Brinkburn, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Brinkburn, Low Ward
    Household Address: Combfield House, Brinkburn
    William Coxon, Head, 28m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, 28f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    William Coxon, Son, 5m, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Ann Coxon, Daughter, 3f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Robert Coxon, Brother, Unmarried, 22m, Millcaster, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    George Ross, Servant, Unmarried, 22m, Millcaster, Northumberland, Elsdon,
    Elizabeth Pringle, Servant, Unmarried, 16f, Northumberland, Netherwitton
  4. [S98] Census, 1871, William Coxon at Stannington, Plessey Mill, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Stannington, Plessey Mill
    Household Address: Plessey Mill
    William Coxon, Head, Marr, 39, Cartman, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, 38, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Annie Coxon, Daughter, 13, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    James E, Son, 7, Northumberland, Brinkburn,
    Elizabeth, Daughter, 5, Newcastle
  5. [S99] Census, 1881, William Coxon & family, Newcastle upon tyne, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Newcastle, St John
    Household Address: 6 Stowell St. Newcastle
    Census record 1881. Unusually there appear to be two families, each with their own head listed at 6 Stowell Street. William and his family, and his daughter Annies family listed under her husband Robert Anderson.
    Robert Anderson, Head, Marr, 22m, Coachman, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, Marr, 22f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 3months f, Newcastle on Tyne,
    William Coxon, Head, Marr, 49m, dairyman, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, Marr, 49f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    James, Son, 17m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth, Daug, 15 F, Dairymaid (Milk seller), Newcastle,
    Frances Coxon, Son, 9m, Northumberland, Stannington,
    John Coxon, Son, 7m, Scholar, Northumberland, Stannington.

Robert Anderson1

M, #541, Deceased, b. 1858

Family: Annie Coxon (b. 1858)


  • He was born in 1858 in Uswayford, Alwinton, Northumberland, England.1
  • He married Annie Coxon estimated 1880. (DOM estimated from DOB eldest know child).2

Census References

1881He appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Stowell Street (6), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Head of Household].3
1891He appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in School Street (113), Gateshead, Co. Durham, England.2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S600] Census 1891, Gateshead, Anderson, Robert and household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Anderson, Robert
    Census Place: Gateshead
    Household Address: 113 School St. Gateshead, Co. Durham
    Robert Anderson, Head, M, 33m, Railway Clerk, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, M, 33f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 10f, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    William C Anderson, Son, 8m, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    Ada A Anderson, Daur, 6f, Durham, Gateshead,
    Athalinda H Anderson, Daur, 6mths f, Durham, Gateshead.
  3. [S99] Census, 1881, William Coxon & family, Newcastle upon tyne, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Newcastle, St John
    Household Address: 6 Stowell St. Newcastle
    Census record 1881. Unusually there appear to be two families, each with their own head listed at 6 Stowell Street. William and his family, and his daughter Annies family listed under her husband Robert Anderson.
    Robert Anderson, Head, Marr, 22m, Coachman, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, Marr, 22f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 3months f, Newcastle on Tyne,
    William Coxon, Head, Marr, 49m, dairyman, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, Marr, 49f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    James, Son, 17m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth, Daug, 15 F, Dairymaid (Milk seller), Newcastle,
    Frances Coxon, Son, 9m, Northumberland, Stannington,
    John Coxon, Son, 7m, Scholar, Northumberland, Stannington.

Elizabeth M Anderson1

F, #542, Deceased, b. 1881



  • She was born in 1881.1

Census References

1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Stowell Street (6), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].2
1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in School Street (113), Gateshead, Co. Durham, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].3
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S99] Census, 1881, William Coxon & family, Newcastle upon tyne, Head Of Household: Coxon, William
    Census Place: Newcastle, St John
    Household Address: 6 Stowell St. Newcastle
    Census record 1881. Unusually there appear to be two families, each with their own head listed at 6 Stowell Street. William and his family, and his daughter Annies family listed under her husband Robert Anderson.
    Robert Anderson, Head, Marr, 22m, Coachman, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, Marr, 22f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 3months f, Newcastle on Tyne,
    William Coxon, Head, Marr, 49m, dairyman, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth Coxon, Wife, Marr, 49f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    James, Son, 17m, Miller, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth, Daug, 15 F, Dairymaid (Milk seller), Newcastle,
    Frances Coxon, Son, 9m, Northumberland, Stannington,
    John Coxon, Son, 7m, Scholar, Northumberland, Stannington.
  3. [S600] Census 1891, Gateshead, Anderson, Robert and household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Anderson, Robert
    Census Place: Gateshead
    Household Address: 113 School St. Gateshead, Co. Durham
    Robert Anderson, Head, M, 33m, Railway Clerk, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, M, 33f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 10f, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    William C Anderson, Son, 8m, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    Ada A Anderson, Daur, 6f, Durham, Gateshead,
    Athalinda H Anderson, Daur, 6mths f, Durham, Gateshead.

William Coxon Anderson1

M, #543, Deceased, b. 2 September 1881, d. 1953



  • He was born on 2 September 1881.1
  • He died in 1953.1

Census References

1891He appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in School Street (113), Gateshead, Co. Durham, England. [Witness Role: Son].2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S600] Census 1891, Gateshead, Anderson, Robert and household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Anderson, Robert
    Census Place: Gateshead
    Household Address: 113 School St. Gateshead, Co. Durham
    Robert Anderson, Head, M, 33m, Railway Clerk, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, M, 33f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 10f, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    William C Anderson, Son, 8m, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    Ada A Anderson, Daur, 6f, Durham, Gateshead,
    Athalinda H Anderson, Daur, 6mths f, Durham, Gateshead.

Ada Annie Anderson1

F, #544, Deceased, b. 7 September 1884, d. 6 September 1973



  • She married William Charles Avery.2
  • She was born on 7 September 1884 in Gateshead, Co. Durham, England.1
  • She died on 6 September 1973 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England.1

Census References

1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in School Street (113), Gateshead, Co. Durham, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].3
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S740] Skinsley, Mike, The Family History research of Mike Skinsley, E-mail Address: email address. com
  3. [S600] Census 1891, Gateshead, Anderson, Robert and household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Anderson, Robert
    Census Place: Gateshead
    Household Address: 113 School St. Gateshead, Co. Durham
    Robert Anderson, Head, M, 33m, Railway Clerk, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, M, 33f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 10f, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    William C Anderson, Son, 8m, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    Ada A Anderson, Daur, 6f, Durham, Gateshead,
    Athalinda H Anderson, Daur, 6mths f, Durham, Gateshead.

Athalinda Hilda Anderson1

F, #545, Deceased, b. 8 September 1890



  • She was born on 8 September 1890 in Gateshead, Co. Durham, England.1

Census References

1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in School Street (113), Gateshead, Co. Durham, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S600] Census 1891, Gateshead, Anderson, Robert and household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Anderson, Robert
    Census Place: Gateshead
    Household Address: 113 School St. Gateshead, Co. Durham
    Robert Anderson, Head, M, 33m, Railway Clerk, Northumberland, Alwinton,
    Annie Anderson, Wife, M, 33f, Northumberland, Rothbury,
    Elizabeth M Anderson, Daur, 10f, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    William C Anderson, Son, 8m, Northumberland, Newcastle,
    Ada A Anderson, Daur, 6f, Durham, Gateshead,
    Athalinda H Anderson, Daur, 6mths f, Durham, Gateshead.

Mary Snowdon Short1

F, #546, Deceased, b. 1827, d. about 1912

Family: John Coxon (b. 20 July 1834, d. July 1892)


  • She was also known as Mary Snowdon Coxon.1
  • She was born in 1827 in Mitford, Northumberland, England.1
  • She married John Coxon on 5 March 1864.1
  • She died about 1912.1

Census References

1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Percy Street (104), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Wife].2
1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in Saville Row (17), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Wife].3
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S94] Census Record 1881, Newcaste, John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews.
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 46, M, Hay & Corn Merchant. Born Rothbury
    Mary Coxon, Wife, Married, 54, F, Born Mitford
    Isabelle A Coxon, Daugh, 16, F, Born Newcastle
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, 14, F, Born Newcastle
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, 11, Scholar, Born Newcastle
  3. [S95] National Census 1891, Newcastle John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 57, Hay & Corn Merchant, Born Rothbury
    Mary S Coxon, Wife, Married, 64, Born Northumberland Espley
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, Sing, 24 Born Newcastle St Andrews
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, Sing, 21, Book Keeper, Born Newcastle St Andrews
    Henrietta A\Anderson, Serv, Single, 26, Gen Dom Serv. Born Durham Seaham Harbour

Isabella A Coxon1

F, #547, Deceased, b. about March 1865



  • She was born about March 1865 in Prudhoe Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, England.1

Census References

1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Percy Street (104), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S94] Census Record 1881, Newcaste, John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews.
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 46, M, Hay & Corn Merchant. Born Rothbury
    Mary Coxon, Wife, Married, 54, F, Born Mitford
    Isabelle A Coxon, Daugh, 16, F, Born Newcastle
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, 14, F, Born Newcastle
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, 11, Scholar, Born Newcastle

Mary Coxon1

F, #548, Deceased, b. about March 1867



  • She was born about March 1867 in Prudhoe Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, England.1

Census References

1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Percy Street (104), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].2
1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in Saville Row (17), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].3
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S94] Census Record 1881, Newcaste, John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews.
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 46, M, Hay & Corn Merchant. Born Rothbury
    Mary Coxon, Wife, Married, 54, F, Born Mitford
    Isabelle A Coxon, Daugh, 16, F, Born Newcastle
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, 14, F, Born Newcastle
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, 11, Scholar, Born Newcastle
  3. [S95] National Census 1891, Newcastle John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 57, Hay & Corn Merchant, Born Rothbury
    Mary S Coxon, Wife, Married, 64, Born Northumberland Espley
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, Sing, 24 Born Newcastle St Andrews
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, Sing, 21, Book Keeper, Born Newcastle St Andrews
    Henrietta A\Anderson, Serv, Single, 26, Gen Dom Serv. Born Durham Seaham Harbour

Annie Coxon1

F, #549, Deceased, b. 17 October 1869, d. 1922



  • She was born on 17 October 1869 in Percy Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, England.1
  • She died in 1922.1

Census References

1881She appeared in the census on 3 April 1881 in Percy Street (104), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].2
1891She appeared in the census on 5 April 1891 in Saville Row (17), Newcastle upon Tyne, England. [Witness Role: Daughter].3
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S94] Census Record 1881, Newcaste, John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews.
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 46, M, Hay & Corn Merchant. Born Rothbury
    Mary Coxon, Wife, Married, 54, F, Born Mitford
    Isabelle A Coxon, Daugh, 16, F, Born Newcastle
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, 14, F, Born Newcastle
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, 11, Scholar, Born Newcastle
  3. [S95] National Census 1891, Newcastle John Coxon and Household, Census Type: National
    Head Of Household: Coxon, John
    Census Place: Newcastle, St.Andrews
    John Coxon, Head, Married, 57, Hay & Corn Merchant, Born Rothbury
    Mary S Coxon, Wife, Married, 64, Born Northumberland Espley
    Mary Coxon, Daugh, Sing, 24 Born Newcastle St Andrews
    Annie Coxon, Daugh, Sing, 21, Book Keeper, Born Newcastle St Andrews
    Henrietta A\Anderson, Serv, Single, 26, Gen Dom Serv. Born Durham Seaham Harbour

Mary Davy1

F, #550, Deceased, b. about July 1816


Family 1: William Scott (b. 8 January 1807)

  • Jane Scott+ (b. 27 December 1843, d. 3 January 1895)

Family 2:


  • She was also known as Jane Scott.1
  • She was born about July 1816. (3rd child, 2nd daug - Linda Price).2
  • She was baptised on 14 July 1816 in The Parish Church, Rothbury, Northumberland, England.2
  • She married William Scott about 1836. (The marriage has never been found. Linda Price wonders if the were ever married - "In the Will of Mary's nephew (died aged 17 years) he goes through all his Uncles and Aunts from the Rothbury area with 'legitimate issue of' etc. but when he gets to Mary ii is just 'Mary SCOTT and family. ").2
  • (From Linda Price: William had a daughter, Barbara Elizabeth SCOTT bap March 1836 at Felton (of Burgham) to just himself - no mother mentioned. Mary DAVY had a daughter, Mary Ann DAVY baptised July 1836 (born Thropton) at Rothbury - also as a single parent. (I suspect Mary DAVY may have been employed as a wet-nurse to William and his new daughter)William and Mary went on to have ten children together, two of whom didn't survive infancy. They are all together at Bringheugh in 1861 Census. 1841 census in Low Hedgely, Eglingham. Mary's daughter, Mary Ann DAVY was with her grandparents (Robert and Ann) in Thropton at this time (1841).2
  • Last Edited: 11 January 2022 12:59:14


  1. [S44] Lois Saleeba, Information from the family history researches of Lois Saleeba
  2. [S797] Linda Price, Information from the family history researches of Linda Price, E-mail Address: email address. com. au


The personal details of individuals thought to be living have been ommitted. Only names are included to help with navigation.

On these pages "witness" may not mean that the person was actually present at the event, just that he/she was associated in some way. E.g. the father of the bride may be named on a marriage certificate, but actually be deceased.